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About Mistysmoke

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  1. Question regarding non-nursing Healthcare Administration Careers

    I haven't been on this site for a very long time, doing a search I came across the link to this discussion. I am about to go for my Bachelor's in Healthcare Management. The school I am looking at has a program where I can also take classes to get m...
  2. What if you arent sure?

    I can not believe I am even in this spot. For a couple years I have been sure that I want to be a nurse. I talked to an advisor about classes, took assessment tests so I could start getting pre reqs out of the way and now... I dont know. I dont kn...
  3. Stop #@$%!* Thief!!!

    My grandmother went to a ursing home to recover from a quad bypass. She was there for a few weeks. The week I was out visiting, we found that someone had gone through her purse and stolen $10.00. She was glad that she had had my aunt take her oth...
  4. shy girl

    I am so glad to see this topic. I haven't even started school for my pre reqs, but, being shy is a major issue for me. I am trying to be more proactive in talking to people, and starting conversations. I started with phone calls, when I would call...
  5. Finish old degree first?

    Because the only classes that MAY transfer are a psychology class, and biology class, the majority of my other classes were Agriculture. The waiting period is 2-3 years and they take 100 students a term, its just what the waiting period could be, be...
  6. Getting a Spouse's Support

    My husband and I had a wedding that cost less than $500.00 :) I think there are many women like us, but, the media tends to not want to show it. I am not even a student yet, but, looking at the BSN information is already confusing to me, hopefully i...
  7. Finish old degree first?

    The University does have some Info sessions I can attend to find out more information. I just need to see when my schedule works with theirs :)
  8. Finish old degree first?

    I had my meeting today. The advisor said she wouldnt worry about finishing the first degree. Its a 2-3 yr waiting period to get into the nursing program. With my family situation, that may work out for me as far as getting pre-req and co-req classe...
  9. Finish old degree first?

    thank you everyone. now i feel a bit better about going into this appt today. back in 95 i was going for assoc. of science for agriculture, but, since i can't finish that degree online, the advisor back home suggested going for the assoc. of art...
  10. Finish old degree first?

    ok, i meet with the counselor at the local community college tomorrow, but, i thought i would see what others think. i contacted my old school (dropped in 95) and though i cant finish my original degree, i could take online courses (27 credits i th...
  11. Getting a Spouse's Support

    hmm, well, i guess i am not much help either. i have talked to my husband for a couple years now about going back to school, and going into nursing. when i told him i wanted to go into nursing, he asked what else i was interested in, i told him ...
  12. Experienced Nurses Only

    i am not a nurse, i'm not even a student yet. that being said, i would love to read the vents people have about things going on at work, the things that are tough to deal with etc. it would give me an idea of what things i may encounter when and i...
  13. Sedona, AZ, anyone?

    I cant tell you much about the pay rate and such, because I have not been there in a while, but, my grandfather lived there and my mom still goes there to have relaxing weekends once in a while. It is a very beautiful place.
  14. New here...

    Actually, Grandpa is 60 and Granny is 82
  15. New here...

    hi everyone! :) i am a 31 yr old stay at home mom of a 3 yr ld and a 9 yr old, and my husbands grandparents live with us. when grandpa gets a job, i will be caring for granny who has medical issues. anyway, i came to the realization that nursing ...