

Emergency Department, Neuro ICU

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About actress8503

actress8503 specializes in Emergency Department, Neuro ICU.

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  1. Have you been assaulted by a patient?

    I've had patients on drugs come up off the streets with large switch blades on them and once had a hostile patient come in with a gun in her purse. Never had any weapons used on me and I've seemed to...
  2. After A Year of Nursing...I Still Feel Like I'm Dieing

    Thank you everyone so much who has replied. You have helped so much and made me feel a whole lot better. I appreciate your support and insight.
  3. So it's been a little over 1 year since I became a RN...and things have never seemed more gloomy. I really thought I would like being a nurse and I would eventually fall into my comfort zone just...
  4. Professional courtesy from police at traffic stops

    I've been pulled over 3 times in my driving career (all for speeding), and have only been let out of one ticket and that just so happened to be when I was wearing my nursing scrubs. At the time I was...
  5. did you ever think it would be like this?

    Jamonit...when I read your post I seriously wondered if you had just read my mind because I am feeling that way about everything you listed. I am a new gard (Graduated May 12th) on a Neuro ICU floor...
  6. Hospital decision time...I need input please!

    Hey thanks for your input. I ended up sticking w/ St. Joe's in their neuro ICU and I love it. My orientation has gone very well thus far. I am glad Scottsdale Osborn turned out to be a good fit for...
  7. Hospital decision time...I need input please!

  8. Hospital decision time...I need input please!

    Raindreamer has it right. Ask yourself those questions about their orientation program. At St. Joes in the Neuro ICU they give their new grads a twelve week orientation program in which lab time to...
  9. Hospital decision time...I need input please!

    They might have the same policy since they are both CHW. I had one of my clinical rotations at Chandler Regional and during orientation I thought the lady had said that they require their externs to...
  10. Hospital decision time...I need input please!

    Well if you don't like it there as an extern you can quit and nothing will be owed. If you work for them as an extern 6 months or longer than you need to start worrying about time for time. They...
  11. Hospital decision time...I need input please!

    Thanks thrashej! St. Joes did not give me a tuition reimbursment. I didn't apply for one because I have a tuition waiver. However, externing there does require time for time and if I decide to...
  12. Extern position at St. Joseph's

    For summer they require 36 hours per week, for winter break it is 72 hours for the entire break (and not to exceed 40 hours per week) and during school it is 24 hours per month min-48 hours per month...
  13. Hi everyone...the time has come for me in which I need to make a decision (very soon) about where I want to work after I graduate this May. I really would like to work in the PICU, ICU, or ED. My...
  14. Extern position at St. Joseph's

    I extern on the tele unit at St. Joes and love it. The pay is $12 something an hour, but if you work nights there is a differential and weekends are also a differential. I work both so I make around...
  15. Neuro ICU at St. Joes

    The pay for a new grad is $23 an hour in the Neuro ICU at St. Joes. I was just offered a position there