

LTC, Sub-acute, correctional

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All Content by njbikernurse

  1. Took Job on Telemetry Floor...what's Telemetry???

    Well, I know absolutely nothing about telemetry, so I'll skip that part. As far as whether or not to take the offer............ you sound like you're leaning towards "no". Think about why. Is it because you don't want to work at all and would rather ...
  2. My usual method of studying is following the EC content guide and reading ALL the stuff. Works well so far. I read a few posts mentioning Lisa Arends CD's and bought the NC6 one. Holy cow, that's a lot of information. Seems very complete, and more co...
  3. state surveys tips

    Last time I went through state survey, they had several patients pre-selected which they asked many questions about, and asked to see treatments on. They were patients that had stage 4 wounds, or certain infections, like c-diff and MRSA. I found them...
  4. Feeling tremendously sad!

    Boy, I felt exactly how you describe at my last job. Tried to be nice, tried to joke around, but everyone was wrapped up in their own misery and griping about everything all day. It became depressing quite fast. Having had a very good relationship wi...
  5. Thinking of LTC

    In my experience, weekends are the best time to work at a nursing home. It's generally more laid back, due to no administrators running around making people nuts. Plus physical therapy is not stealing your patients right when you need to check their ...
  6. I'm leaving LTC

    Woo hoo! Congrats to you. I have been guiltily reading your posts and nodding my head for a while. You've said several things that I've only allowed myself to think quietly! LTC is mostly depressing, but then occasionally heartwarming............ it'...
  7. Recent LPN Graduate Seeking Clarification on Excelsior

    I found them to be quite fair in accepting most of my old credits. I did have to take Lifespan Developmental Psychology and Microbiology because none of my previous courses really covered that, plus all of the nursing courses.
  8. Challenging boards?

    This is the most cukoo thing I have ever heard. I remember being nervous my first day practicing as an LPN because I felt like I didn't learn ENOUGH in school. How can you do it WITHOUT going to school? Just because you can pick out the right answers...
  9. Best shoes while on the floor???

    My favorite shoes ever, so awesome that I have them in two colors, are a Reebok sneaker clog that I bought on Zappos.com! They're somewhat ugly and utilitarian looking, but the have the greatest fit. I've worn them for plenty of double shifts and my ...
  10. License Revocation

    Well, if a mistake includes diverting drugs, then yes I do know someone who lost their license due to a mistake. Two nurses, in fact. Both very good nurses who took good care of their patients but not themselves. On the flip side, I have seen many nu...
  11. Is it true that a BSN will be mandatory soon?

    Whew! Thanks for all the replies. I was told this information like it was already a cold, hard fact. While I certainly love continuing my education, and dream of going on to my BSN after completing the ADN program, I was just overwhelmed with the ide...
  12. Is it true that a BSN will be mandatory soon?

    I was told about a month ago by a nurse educator (who I do respect) that the some New Jersey nursing organization has passed a law requiring all RN's to have their BSN's by a certain deadline, I think it was about 10 years from now. Now this educator...
  13. County jail, county employee, about 320 inmates total. Best job ever! Good pay, clean conditions, sometimes even time to sit and study. Got into in by accident, plan on staying for a while.............
  14. Getting my foot in the door.

    I don't think a hospital would be swayed towards hiring somebody just because they're cheap, but maybe I'm wrong. Are there other options besides this one hospital? Any LTAC (long term acute care) places by you? They hire both RN's and LPN's and you ...
  15. Legal or not?

    The LTC facility that I just recently left is playing dirty and I'm not sure what I can do about it. I was hired at an hourly rate of $26, confirmed by the ADON. My first paycheck was wrong, it showed $24. They said they would fix it. TWO pay cycles ...
  16. Legal or not?

    I have only a verbal rate confirmation. Oh well........... maybe I'll make a big sign and picket in front of their facility for the next week until I start my new job, hee hee. Seriously, I hate them and would love to warn the poor unsuspecting patie...
  17. Well, I guess by social science, they mean sociology and psychology? Both are very important to being a competent nurse. Understanding a patient's social status and background helps me to know what interventions they will be receptive to, and which o...
  18. Does anybody know Genesis Healthcare system?

    I actually really liked the team mentality there, at the time I was there. Sometimes the ratio was bad, like 20 patients per nurse on a sub-acute floor can be a bit much. The CNA's were among the best I've worked with, for the most part. I left becau...
  19. Is it my fault???

    If I were that patient, I would have been happy you were my nurse. Several times I've seen a patient in pain who won't take pain meds if the family is at the bedside, but will beg for it as soon as they leave. We are our patient's advocate, and not t...
  20. acuity v/s reality= burnout

    Well, you really had me laughing!! The staffing must be done the same where I work....... look, you have sooooo many nurses for only this many patients.......... which would work real nice if all the patients had only PO meds that they actually took ...
  21. Does anybody know Genesis Healthcare system?

    I worked for them for 1 1/2 years, on their sub-acute unit. Great charge nurses! I can't say enough about how capable and sharp these charge nurses are on the sub-acute unit. That being said, it was ALWAYS very busy there. They take high-acuity patie...
  22. Anxiety before work

    I used to get this all the time, especially in one LTC where I just didn't feel like anyone had my back and I was truly all alone. My trick was to force myself to picture what I was afraid was going to happen (like a patient coding or falling and get...
  23. Getting out on time?

    Working on a sub-acute unit of a LTC facility, and the overtime is killer. Report takes forever, then I've still got to chart on my patients, which I had no time to do during the day due to giving meds, doing treatments, dealing with families, answer...
  24. We all hate overtime!!!!

    Boy, do I have some bitterness about this one!!! I just left a job because I was constantly forced to stay overtime due to (1) the next shift nurse getting there whenever they felt like it and (2) our shift-to-shift report turning into a rambling-sto...
  25. Quit My Job

    I have been there, done that. My first nursing job at a LTC was really awful, and I quit after three months with little notice. The next place that hired me didn't even blink about the short time there, and there was no way for them to know how much,...