
marjoriemac LPN

nursing home care

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About marjoriemac

marjoriemac has 5 years experience as a LPN and specializes in nursing home care.

1st class hons degree in nursing, love working with the elderly, passionate about eden alternative

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  1. funny story

    Whenever we have a 'full moon' it usually results in wandering naked, escape attempts, shouting at each other and raiding the biscuit barrell (and that is just the
  2. leaving patient in bed with wound

    We've had patients with real bad wounds on sacrum etc, we would normally alternate between sitting up (with appropriate pressure cushion) and being in bed with regular positional
  3. Is there a state rule on how to count narcotics?

    I'd say whilst both trained staff are present at handover, both shold count drugs and check the amount is
  4. What do you bring to work?

    I bring scissors, pens, fob watch, nail clippers, lip balm, notepad for me and a goody bag containing alcohol gel, tourniquet, spare scissors and spare nail clippers, oh and a measuring tape. My goody...
  5. ted hose

    TEDS are usually applied but my gripe is with bandaging, particularly when C/A's just pull on a pair of shoes over knee to toe bandages without care to ensure the bandage stays on the
  6. Rounds, Falls, and Skin issues

    Geez, 2 hourly toileting, unless anyone has been identified as always soaking every 2 hours, we generally do 4 hourly toileting, plus the continence nurse only gives each resident a quota of 5 pads a...
  7. The life of a guy nurse in LTC

    The women in our home are man daft (not just the residents!!!), it is great to have male
  8. Do your residents get a lot of visitors?

    We have families that visit regularly and those that don't and those that you never see! I think it is hard to judge why people do or do not visit. I also think spending 10 minutes visiting and...
  9. LTC Smell?

    I have never worked in an LTC that smelled. To me it is a sign of poor housekeeping. Yeah, there are always times when Mr X has stunk the toilet out, but a good odour neutraliser and ventilation...
  10. Split days off?

    We get every other weekend off but always have days off together. It just means you have a long week and a short week. I like having days off together as then I don't get too tored doing
  11. most common meds on night shift

    May be different names in the states, but common night meds in my facility are simvastatin, trazadone, paracetemol and other analgesia, zopiclone, nitrazepam. Mainly night sedation
  12. Nails

    I dont think we are supposed to wear any nail polish nor have long nails as there is the infection control risk and the risk of scratching patients who already have very fragile
  13. How do I manage difficult CNAs?

    Make your complaints formal and if nothing is done, go to your inspection authority. Poor care cannot be ignored or you risk your own
  14. Having the "Right to Fall"

    I think it is a term that can be interpreted in many ways. If we are talking about risk involved, then sure, someone who is mbile but may be a 'high' risk of falls has the right to continue to...
  15. Security

    We have key codes known by competent residents and relatives. Night shift bolt the door