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About dianacs

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  1. How do you address nurses with a PhD?

    I am generally called by my first name, as it is my personal preference. Though my workplace is fairly relaxed, my colleagues and I do sometimes call one another "Mr." "Ms." "Dr." etc. when...
  2. Career advice for a nurse scientist?

    I have a PhD and am part of a home-based primary care multidisciplinary team. We see mainly older adults with multiple chronic conditions who are at risk of frequent ED visits/hospitalizations. My...
  3. Critical Care Nursing Outside of the Hospital

    FYI: Hospital at
  4. Doctoral degree and NP employment

    I have a PhD and work in a clinical setting. (I am not an NP.) In my case, the focus of my dissertation is quite applicable to the patient population. There are opportunities for me at my current job...
  5. why nursing is a mess. three simple facts

    I'm a youngish hag with a
  6. VA Hiring Process

    To answer a couple of your questions, I printed, hand-signed and scanned the documents. I only uploaded what was specifically requested in the announcement. At no time were letters of recommendation...
  7. Post interview wait for the va Hosp...

    I did not have to write anything like this. I asked if something like this would be needed and it was not. This was at the point where all my documents and background checks were completed and ready...
  8. VA Hiring Process

    I got a phone call, followed by an email. Good
  9. VA Hiring Process

    Hooray, I finally received my formal offer! I start next month. It will have been 5 months from application to start
  10. Am I a "bad nurse"?

    Actually, I once had a manager who did this with staff. Just a little handwritten note--not a letter--but I sure appreciated receiving
  11. VA Hiring Process

    Hoping this is the week I hear something definite! Anyone else have anything new to
  12. VA Hiring Process

    Update: My file should (fingers crossed) be going to the board next week. Even accounting for Thanksgiving (and other holidays), perhaps I will start this year after
  13. VA Hiring Process

  14. VA Hiring Process

    Nothing really new here. Last week a couple of my references received a form to fill out and they both sent it back. However, there are several other references who as far as I know haven't been...
  15. VA Hiring Process

    Me too...completed physical and fingerprinting this week, so at least something was