

Med/Sug, Long Term Care

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About erniebobernie

erniebobernie specializes in Med/Sug, Long Term Care.

Loving life and continually trying to balancing family, school, and work.

Latest Activity

  1. Kaiser LPN's?

    Any HI LPN's here? I work for Kaiser (pediatrics) in Denver, Colorado and will possibly be moving to Maui in early 2013 with my family. My husband is helping a friend open a new restaurant. Our...
  2. University of Phoenix LPN-BSN

    yes. You
  3. Need help with a nursing school in CO

    I spoke with Carole Peters at the FRCC nursing program information meeting for September 07 and she said that they have not had room to add LPNsfor the last 2 years. They have 700-800 folks on the...
  4. LPNs glorified Techs?

    I agree that it depends on the state and the community in which you work. I worked in Paradise, CA on a busy surgical floor and enjoyed it so much. In that community LPNs were highly utilized and...
  5. LPN Employment Poll

    LTC and missing acute
  6. med/surg for LPNs after LTC?

    I have yet to hear back from
  7. Denver Health Nurses?

    What is 8A? Thanks in
  8. Confusion/questions about LPN-BSN programs

    I was enrolled at UOP LPN-BSN program and they are very disorganized. Unprofessional at times as well. I was really excited that there was no wait list (I moved to Denver from NO CA in 06/06)and chose...
  9. Officially a Regis student

    Congrats!! That is excellent news. Best of
  10. med/surg for LPNs after LTC?

    Thank you for your responses. I will definately have to check out Denver Health soon. I was told by Carole Peters at FRCC Westminster that they haven't had any spaces for LPN to add into the 3rd...
  11. What is the nicest thing a patient has ever said to you?

    The kindness and sweetness those special patients share with us stays close to our hearts and makes us remember why we became nurses. I hear, "You have such a nice smile, Thank You." all the
  12. Question about asking for a raise

    I appreciate this thread and all the great suggestions. I have never asked for a raise but have been thinking about it for awhile now. Thanks
  13. Do you have to give drugs you do not agree with?

    I fired my midwife in my 36th week of prenancy because she wanted me to take this. I was having my 4th child and had had 3 nonmedicated, quick lady partsl birth (less than 3 hrs for the first and...
  14. Home Health Nursing?

    That is so sad. I am sorry that happened to you. I have considered doing home health as an LPN and I may down the road; I enjoyed it as a HHA. But, I am new to CO and would like to get some more...
  15. Keeping up with meds
