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All Content by proud2bme

  1. Bubble gum myth or truth?

    I remember asking one of my friends when we were in 7th grade, why her boobs were so big. I wanted to know her secret so that I could have big ones too. She said, "I drink a ton of milk, that's all your boobs are made of anyway." Let me tell you, ...
  2. Do any of you attend San Jacinto College in Houston Texas? I am looking for information about their RN program from a nursing student perspective. If so, I would love to hear from you. Thank you so much.
  3. Algebra is making me re-think my major! Help!!

    marci, Also try has been very helpful to me.
  4. Goodbye Harry

    May Harry's soul rest in peace.
  5. Is anyone from Houston that is in a nursing program?

    jewels, For me, I am taking all of my Pre-Rn classes such as A & P I & II, Comp, Math, Microbiology, Psyc I & II, and both PHED classes. That's 29 hours. Then when I apply to the actual RN program, I will have all the "other" credit hou...
  6. Students from San Jac College in TX

    Wouldn't that be ironic if someday our paths cross and we work together or something? Could happen.. ya never know!
  7. Bubble gum myth or truth?

    This is kind of sick, no actually REALLY SICK. When I was a kid I would bite my toenails. My parent's told me that I would get worms in my stomach if I continued to do such a thing. Needless to say, I haven't chewed on them since!!!! The even bett...
  8. What's with the chip on your shoulder?

    Susanmary, I think ALL yankee's balance their chips quite well! LOLOL!!!!
  9. Please educate me...again!

    Ok, since you all have been so helpful and encourge me to ask any questions I may have, here is the next one: What does the term med/surg mean? I have a general idea, but need the details. (Please feel free to laugh at my still wet behind the ears, ...
  10. Please educate me...again!

    Ah, I see. Thanks Wendy!
  11. What's with the chip on your shoulder?

    Thanks for your reply's. Don't worry, I know better then to think that all nurses are that way. I know there are a few in a crowd that have an attitude no matter what the situation is. It has always been that way in or outside the medical field. ...
  12. For the soon-2-be grads, have you chosen your speciality in nursing yet? If so, why did you chose that area? For students, do you know what field of nursing you would like to embark on when you graduate?
  13. best littmann

    WOW, CEN- aren't you a CUTIE!
  14. What's your favorite nursing book? (Non textbook)

    You must be just about my age. I am going to take it back to Barnes and Noble today. What a bore! LOL
  15. Have you chosen your speciality yet?

    BurnerKG, Just out of curiosity, why didn't you just start with med school?
  16. What's your favorite nursing book? (Non textbook)

    How funny ShannonRN! I did the same exact thing yesterday at Barnes and Noble. I bought "Five Patients" by Michael Crichton. I just can't seem to "get into it". Has anyone else read this one yet? Guess I better stick with good ole Echo Heron. Ma...
  17. RN Researchers

    Just curious. Has anyone worked in the research field as an RN? What exactly does a research nurse do? I am curious because I enjoy researching illnesses and cures. I want to see if there is a "dream" job out there that I could use my love of res...
  18. Students from San Jac College in TX

    San Jac Central offers the RN program. If I am not mistaken, the south and central campus offer the LVN program. I do know that only the central campus offers the RN. After receiving your associate's degree from San Jac, you can apply for a bridge...
  19. RN Researchers

    Susy K, What a great position. When will you find out if you got the job?This sounds just up my alley! I wonder, if for a position like this advanced degrees are a must. Have you already done bedside nursing? If so, do you think that an RN researc...
  20. Have you ever cried with a patient?

    I posted this question on the general board, but also wanted to ask OB nurses specifically. Have you ever cried with a patient and or their family? I cannot imagine how difficult it will be when the time comes in my career that I have to take care...
  21. What's your favorite nursing book? (Non textbook)

    I too, have read all of Echo Heron's books. Wouldn't it be neat to meet her oneday? In another thread, someone mentioned the book "Fluff my pillow, bend my straw." Has anyone ever read this book?
  22. I know that nurses are supposed to be professional at all times. But dealing with a sick patient and a family that you have become personally fond of has got to take a serious toll on your spirit. Have you ever cried with a patient and or their fam...
  23. What's the weirdest baby name?

    I know of a child that goes to school with my children by the name of "Troubles". How sad is that? I wonder what that mom was thinking.
  24. Pre-req questions

    Steved, Great advice, very informative. Thanks!
  25. Need help with schedule

    Hello. I too, am a very busy stay-at-home mom. My children are 10, 7 and 5. The youngest to go into kindergarten in the fall. I have been taking 1 pre-req class for the past 3 weeks. It's a night class from 6:30-9:30/2 nights per week. I also h...