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All Content by proud2bme

  1. Patients and weight loss drugs

    Hello Friends, Have you ever taken care of a pt that has been admitted due to complications from weight loss drugs? If so, what problems did they encounter? I am curious because I am seriously thinking about talking to my pcp about weight loss medi...
  2. Family life and school

    Are any of you a parent that's in nursing school and trying to manage your family as well as school? I was wondering how you manage it all? I am a scared that my schooling (starting next fall) will interfere with my family's life so much it causes ...
  3. Anyone else addicted?

    Ok y'all, I have a confession to make...I AM ADDICTED TO ALLNURSES.COM!!! I want each any everyone of you to know that I appreciate your views, opinions, questions and concerns that you post on this board. I have learned so much from you all. Th...
  4. I enjoy reading books written by nurses about the profession. The stories they tell give a glimpse of what it's really like to be on the front line. Currently, I am just taking my pre-reqs so I have a little time during the day to pick up a good n...
  5. Gotta good "poop" story? I do.

    St4304- We call that "the perfect swirl"! LOL!
  6. Dealing with Volunteers

    Does your establishment encourage volunteers in helping rock a sick baby or visit with a lonely patient? If so, how does it work and do volunteers help out or really just get in the way?
  7. Just curious... What is or has been your favorite class in nsg school?
  8. Chronic UTI's

    I have had UTI's for all of my life. Most of the time going undiagnosed for months. I do not have the usual burning and urgency that most people experience, so unless it is REALLY bad (noticable blood), it doesn't get treated. Can chronic UTI's ca...
  9. I was in the hospital visiting a friend who just had a baby. As I was walking by the nurses station in postpardum, things seemed to be quiet. I decided to stop and say "Hello". ONE nurse (mind you there were about 12 nurses total) gave me that put...
  10. I had this dream last night that I would like to share with you all. I will try to make it brief to give you the general idea and how it could/should come true. So, I am at Oprah's house. Yes, Oprah Winfrey (a friend to all). I told her I have sho...
  11. Anyone else addicted?

    OMG! I am so happy is back up and running. I was actually going through withdrawl today. I couldn't check the boards at lunch or throughout my day!!!! All I could do was EAT to keep from being depressed!!!! HELP! UGH! LOL!
  12. What makes a GREAT nurse?

    What is your definition of a GREAT nurse?
  13. To Brian and allnurses with addiction..

    How about a keychain? While driving in the car I will be able to look down and remember what I have to look forward to when I get home-not just laundry, cooking, get my point. LOL!
  14. Anyone else addicted?

    Mattsmom, YOU CRACK ME UP!!!:roll
  15. Anyone else addicted?

    Ha Ha Ha! I am glad to know that I am not alone! I haven't gone on vacation yet, but I wonder if I can "plug in" on the plane?!
  16. No beds available?

    I was admitted to a major hospital here in Houston. I layed in the E.R. for 7 hours waiting for a bed. When I was finally settled in comfortably in my room, the lady in the bed next to me told my husband that bed was open all day. Why would the E....
  17. What makes a GREAT nurse?

    Good answer!
  18. Nursing Jewelry

    I know nurses wear their RN or LPN badge with pride; as they should. Do you like wearing jewelry outside of work that tells people what you do for a living? I have a friend that is graduating in May and would like to get her a charm bracelet. Doe...
  19. i need your prayers!!

    You can do it, StudentNurse. All of our thoughts and prayers are with you.
  20. I got my letter!!!

  21. Bite your tongue!

    I just finished watching one of my favorite shows on t.v. - Maternity Ward on TLC. There was a mother-to-be on there that was a recovering heroin addict. She decided to quit the drug when she found out she was pregnant and takes that medicine to hel...
  22. What's with the chip on your shoulder?

    Suzy K, I'm not quite sure who Tracy is, but I don't think any of us were jumping on her. I appreciate everyone giving me their thoughts about the situation and hoped I would hear contrasting points of view.
  23. What's with the chip on your shoulder?

    Hangin' out? Hardly, I do have better things to do. I stopped to say hello and let them know I was going downstairs to raid the vending machines and wanted to know if I could bring anything up for them. Of course I didn't get that far because I w...
  24. Would You Pray if your Patient asked?

    Absolutely! When drugs fail to control the pain, sometimes turning your energy to a "higher power" through prayer will help ease the pain. I know from experience.
  25. Bubble gum myth or truth?

    When you were a child did your parents tell you to "Never swallow your bubble gum because it will ball up in your stomach and you won't digest it for seven years?" Well, I just told my son the same thing. Come on, is this really true or just a myth...