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All Content by Nat3433

  1. Writing med orders for in-patient?

    I'm close to being offered an in-patient NP palliative care position in CA, and was wondering what the deal is with writing in-patient orders, including controlled substances, without my furnishing license. I've tried to read the info on the BRN, but...
  2. Any UCSF Mepn Applicants?

    Please sign me up for the group; I couldn't figure out from your posting how to do it!
  3. UCSF MEPN Wait...

    For those who were at the interview last month, they said the accpetance letters would be postmarked March 1st, right? I'm reading about all these people accepted by voicemail, and wonder if there's any chance UCSF would do that. It all seems like su...
  4. UCSF MEPN Wait...

    I'm in!!! And currently bouncing around the house. Can't wait to meet you all in June, or before.
  5. Any UCSF Mepn Applicants?

    I'm in!!!!! Letter just came, finally. Can't wait to meet you all in June, and sign me up for any get-togethers.
  6. Any UCSF Mepn Applicants?

    Aaargh...The mail came and there's nothing. I can't believe it. Yet another day to wait
  7. Any UCSF Mepn Applicants?

    I'm off home to check...Congrats
  8. Any UCSF Mepn Applicants?

    I'm in SF, just down the hill from UCSF. I'll post as soon as my mail arrives...
  9. Any UCSF Mepn Applicants?

    Oh Boy! Why does the mail come so late??? I plan on coming home in the middle of the day to check...Good luck to everyone, and I look forward to meeting you ALL in June!
  10. UCSF MEPN Wait...

    I actually work for UCSF right now, nothing to do with the School of Nursing sadly. One of our consultants is on the admissions panel for Psych NPs and I spoke to her this morning to see where we are in the process. She told me that the decisions hav...
  11. Any UCSF Mepn Applicants?

    I actually work for UCSF right now, nothing to do with the School of Nursing sadly. One of our consultants is on the admissions panel for Psych NPs and I spoke to her this morning to see where we are in the process. She told me that the decisions hav...
  12. Any UCSF Mepn Applicants?

    Not happy to hear this...Wonder why they stressed at the interview that it was March 1st at the latest. Doesn't seem fair. Grrrrr
  13. Any UCSF Mepn Applicants?

    Elenaroo...I feel for you on this one. I actually cancelled a business trip for this very reason! If you live in SF I'd be happy to check obsessively for you too. I could kidnap the mail deliverer and rummage through his/her bag every day until the L...
  14. Any UCSF Mepn Applicants?

    I love this idea of the letters getting out early! Although it does make every day a possible GREAT or bad day. I interviewed on the 19th, and hope to be in ANP/HIV track. I'd love to meet up when we all get our letters...See how positive I can be? Y...
  15. Any UCSF Mepn Applicants?

    I've managed to work it in my calendar so that's we only have ten days to wait...Sounds like a lot less. Thanks for the "small envelope" tip. I'm planning on taking Friday off work and sitting next to the front door! I've managed to convince myself t...
  16. Any UCSF Mepn Applicants?

    Oh yes...waiting, waiting, waiting. I wish I had an offer from Yale in my pocket already. I have all my eggs in the UCSF basket too.
  17. UCSF MEPN Wait...

    Oh, that's a different approach. March 1st at the latest...So it could mean sooner.!! That would be nice...
  18. UCSF MEPN Interview tips?

    Anyone been through this? I have mine in a week or so, and am curious about what they're looking for, and ways that I could unintentionally screw this up. I can imagine the types of questions, but what are the dumb answers and comments to avoid?
  19. Any UCSF Mepn Applicants?

    PC2, so sorry to hear about your disappointing news. It is hard after all the work the application itself required. I'm really not sure I know what got me to this stage, but I'd be happy to help in any way I can if you do decide to reapply. I hear, ...
  20. Any UCSF Mepn Applicants?

    This thread freaked me out, so I just called UCSF and they confirmed my theory. So one could finish the pre-reqs the week before the classes start in June. They just require them to be done before you start, not before you apply.
  21. Any UCSF Mepn Applicants?

    All I can find is a request for all courses to be completed before "admission" which I took to mean before you actually start the program. I seem to remember checking with someone at UCSF about this, and they verified that. But you might want to chec...
  22. Any UCSF Mepn Applicants?

    I didn't turn in the transcripts because I had only just started the pre-reqs. I won't finish them all until May. All I did was mention the schools I was planning on taking them at, and the estimated completion date.
  23. Any UCSF Mepn Applicants?

    My thoughts on the pre-reqs and grades is that UCSF makes the final offer of a place on the program without ever requesting to see grades, and in some cases before people have even finished all their required classes. So I'm not sure other than takin...
  24. Any UCSF Mepn Applicants?

    The first interview is all day,from 8-4pm. There's a whole program planned for the day, and then you meet with someone who talks about your specialty and "your readiness for the demands of a Master's Entry Program." The second interview seems to be ...
  25. Any UCSF Mepn Applicants?

    I just came back from the exam, and got the big envelope! It was a bi**h of an exam, and there were whole chunks of heart/lung anatomy I'd forgotten to study (it's not the kind of stuff you can fake really...!) But UCSF only cares that you take the c...