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About StudyingRN

Nursing is my second career. At 40 I went to college for the first time to get my nursing degree because it is something that has been in my heart my whole life!

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  1. Picabo Street

    Oh no no no, I didn't mean that in a bad way. You clearly said that you knew it was a joke, I didn't mean to imply that you had got that wrong. In the snopes article it cleared up the question of if...
  2. Picabo Street

    I love snopes for this kind of stuff. The answer is: No, she is not a nurse. Go to: to read the rest..... Have a great
  3. Nursing School Bloopers

    Oh these are great! I am committing them all to memory as I start Block 1 on Monday! As an Aide my biggest oops was that I started my day by checking all the patients charts in my assignment for...
  4. Good Nursing Joke....

    I just heard this and thought I'd wet myself! If this one has been round and round I apologize. Enjoy..... A male patient is lying in bed in the hospital, wearing an oxygen mask over his mouth and...
  5. Share The Weirdest Reasons Patients Push The Call Light

    Ok not a call light story but the funniest story I have to offer: I had a patient last week who was the sweetest lady. She was so proper and very quiet and reserved. She was incontinent and on lasix...
  6. Hospital on Med/Surg Unit 36 Bed Unit 5-6 pts to nurse 9-12 pts to Aide 2 Unit Secretaries We get it all so somtimes these levels cut it and sometimes they don't. If I have 12 pts (I'm an Aide) and 6...
  7. What's the dumbest remark you've heard yourself make...

    Can't think of anything I've said right now but how many of you knock on every door before you open it.....even the galley, the utility room, the supply closet etc!!! I always feel so stupid when I...
  8. Do You take your patients out for smoke breaks?

    Yes, I do. I am a tech, I am not a smoker and am dead set against it.....but I also try to keep my patients happy and comfy and for some that unfortunately means keeping them pumped full of nicotine....
  9. What's your favorite pair of nursing shoes?

    Crocs!!!! I used to wear New Balance Walking Shoes with a gel insert and my back felt great....but my feet were taking a beating! I would wake up with stiff feet and my achilles tendon was so tight...