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All Content by ADNgrad2006

  1. Three 12's vs. 7 on/off

    Hello all! I have a question...I am currently a new RN job searching. I have been offered 2 positions in the NICU at two different hospitals. One hospital offers 3- 12 hr. shifts. The other hospital offers 7 on/ 56, get paid for 72. What's t...
  2. Three 12's vs. 7 on/off

  3. I'm a new RN...Please help!

    You guys are great!!!! It means so much to have such great input!!! I hope that some day I can be of use to someone that feels like I do one day!! This website is an awesome resource!!!!!
  4. I'm a new RN...Please help!

    Hello everyone! I passed the NCLEX-RN on 8/8/06. I am currently looking for a job. My interests include women/infant health and psych. I would eventually like to work with women and/or children that have experienced domestic violence, who have or hav...
  5. I'm a new RN...Please help!

    Thanks to all who have responded so far. jbjfan, I e-mailed you re: "NCLEX tips!"
  6. Took NCLEX-RN 8/8 HELP!!!

    Hi. I am new to this system. Thank God for it!! I took my test yesterday and had the most horrible experience! First of all I want to say that I studied so hard for the test. I was an excellent student, making only one C in nursing school. A couple o...
  7. Took NCLEX-RN 8/8 HELP!!!

    UPDATE: I guess I did overreact...because I passed!!!! Thanks to everyone who responded, and for their support!! I guess once again I am living proof that one CAN get 265 questions and pass!!! : )
  8. Took NCLEX-RN 8/8 HELP!!!

    Suzy~ Thanks! It is "nice" to hear from someone who has had a similar situation such as mine. Did your test feel like a roller coaster of questions, some of which you knew nothing about?
  9. Took NCLEX-RN 8/8 HELP!!!

    Thanks to you Eric and Tweety! I cannot help but freak out!! I am driving myself crazzzzzy by doing nothing by just sitting around waiting!! However, your advice and knowlege was somewhat excuse me while I