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All Content by beachmom

  1. Head Lice

    Between my two daughters and my foster kids, I have unfortunately had a lot of experience with lice. I finally started collecting the bugs when I could find them and trying different things directly on the bugs. The best bug killer is heat. (Remembe...
  2. Had a mom come in with decreased fetal movement. Hooked her up to monitor the fetal heart tones. They were 160 with minimal to absent variability with a couple lates. The doctor waited for hours before deciding to do a section, hoping they would impr...
  3. i thank all of you for your answers!
  4. And the beat goes on . . .

    My community has a lot of layoffs in the logging industry. As part of their layoff plan, loggers can get college paid for. I had two big burly men in my nursing class. Both turned out to be great nurses.
  5. be glad you don't live in holland. here's the first sentence, the title and a link to another forum here on allnurses: a union representing dutch nurses will launch a national campaign friday against demands for sexual services by patients who clai...
  6. Obese Women and Anesthesia..

    One important reason the doctors are looking into anesthesia rather than a natural birth is that most twins end up being C/S. At our hospital, if they are planned to be vaginal births, we deliver them in the OR because when the first delivers, the se...
  7. You have to ask if the baby is better off in the mom or out of the mom. With bad heart tones and a BPP of 2, the baby is obviously better off outside. Afterwards one nurse said a BPP of 2 means a "dead baby with a heartbeat." I wasn't the nurse, bu...
  8. I read a forum here on allnurses where people posted their med errors. The vast majority of med errors that hurt people had to do with insulin. That convinced me of the wisdom of double checking.
  9. First night off orientation- feeling overwhelmed

    I think you did great. I hate those rush admits with a painful mom. So hard. But it's part of working L&D. If you forgot stuff, don't worry, everyone does. Baby and mom are fine. That's the important part. When PIH is that bad, the body knows i...
  10. Pain medication in Postpartum

    At our hospital postpartum: Toradol is closely related to ibuprofen. Usually after C/S it's IV Toradol for 24 hours then ibuprofen for inflammation and cramping pain. Vaginal birth moms don't get Toradol. Of course, ice and witchhazel prn. Tylenol is...
  11. All I want for Christmas is a single payer plan!

    In my town if you make an appointment to see a doctor for a check up, most of the time you will wait 2-3 months to get in. I've heard of ER's with 12 hour wait times. I read on this forum of an ER that has people stuck there sometimes two days before...
  12. Things Patients Have Taught Me NOT To Do

    I hope she didn't get to take her baby home.
  13. Phototherapy ?

    We always put the baby in an incubator as they are naked under the lights, and an open crib would be too cold. I think 18 inches is correct.
  14. Terms we will not admit to using

    I thought the 4F's for gallbladder pts. were "fair, fat, forty and fearful."
  15. Help with suctioning neonate after delivery please!

    Bulb suction is standard, the mouth then the nose. We only deep suction if there is a reason. If baby is really moist, mostly we bulb suction often and get baby crying. Sometimes we deep suction to the top of the trachea, like if we are inserting an ...
  16. What pranks have you played on your boss?

    Before I was a nurse I did medical transcription out of my home for a doctor. The doctor would dictate his notes on his patients. I would pick up a tape each day, type it at home, print it and bring it in the next day. One day I printed a page of tra...
  17. Skills that we thought we would never get

    In nursing school I was really nervous when I thought of giving injections. Needles are scary. Our teachers arranged for the EMT students to come to our class and get their TB tests. I psyched myself up, gave a young man an intradermal injection and...
  18. cohorting flu

    Cohorting is in our written plan if single rooms are all full. So far it hasn't happened. It takes days to get the H1N1 test back, so how do you know both patients have the same flu? If you put a seasonal flu pt. with a swine flu pt., they could po...
  19. stupid mom

    We had a mom delivering on our unit recently. Weeks before she had asked DHS to help her leave her violent boyfriend. They gave her money, and she used the money to get back with the same boyfriend. Both of them came to L&D to deliver. Of course,...
  20. We had a woman with a colostomy and "short gut syndrome." After she would eat, her body would shove the food through her gut so fast, she couldnt' get nourishment, and they were trying various things to try to make her gut hold onto the food. On the ...
  21. Let's try massaging your breasts. (To help with engorgement postpartum.) Let's soak your breasts in warm water. (Same problem as above.) Can you roll your nipples in your fingers to get them to stand out. (To help women with flat nipples to breastfee...
  22. Terms we will not admit to using

    "Logorrhea" to describe a person who talks way too much. Logos is the Greek word for "word." rrhea, as in diarrhea. I heard a nurse describe a patient to the on-call doctor. Pt. had limited understanding. She said the pt. was "a little short in the h...
  23. Does this happen to everyone, or just me?

    To those of you who have lost things in the toilet, hope they fell in BEFORE you "did your business."
  24. You Might Be A NICU Nurse If...

    You laugh when you get peed on. All IV starts are done with two people, one to start it, one to hold the arm and do the taping. Your patients never swear at you.
  25. Just a little vent here. I took care of a little girl in the hospital with pain and bloody diarrhea for three days. Sweet little girl. They did all kinds of tests, and when I had her, they weren't sure of the cause yet. We had her in isolation. The s...