This has been my experience, too. We spend tons of money on people with little "promise" of ever being contributing members of society. I find myself more disturbed about it with each passing year,...
Well, you run a risk of making the docs mad and your boss when you inform patients of stuff their docs don't know about or want them to know about. Calling in Social Work - also risky, unless this...
I think you said it pretty well. Just say it calmly, without anger. Do NOT do his work. He sounds pretty lazy, arrogant, manipulative, and disorganized. And anyone who gets 3 weeks off at Christmas...
BEst way to figure it out is to research job availability and the pay for these jobs, talk with real PT's and see what they say. Advantages: straight days, M-F; can work independently (be...
It gets easier with time. What I have found to be best - the less said, in the chart or orally or in writing to ANYONE, the better. A doc taught me that and he is RIGHT. I used to chart every...
The trouble with charting ANYTHING is that an astute reader of the chart, such as an attorney/nurse/paralegal/law clerk will pick up on it. They are trained to do exactly that, to look for exactly...
Not picking at you, NJ, but you've only been working a year! There is a lot of bad stuff that you have not yet seen. I hope you never do but at least acknowledge that you are still pretty new at...
Before reporting, try to come up with some solutions. I have found that bosses usually don't want to hear only problems. They want suggestions for solving them - suggestions for which, often, they...
To the OP: the above comments about this one topic, what the minimum requirement to be called "RN" should be, reflects what the most basic problem is in Nursing - the lack of unity among nurses. If...
it could be different in different states but I hope he is not responsible for anyone but himself and his own dependents. I think the insurers ought to pay - I know, what a