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  1. me, reapplication confusion..

    thanks silver... so i will just download the form and pay... do u have any idea long long it would take to have my elligibilty? thnks
  2. me, reapplication confusion..

    hi im also confuse i got my elligibilty last january 2008, and i register at pearson vue but when i check again my acct after 3 months my status is expired.. my question is what is the procedure...
  3. Hi Suzanne, important questions about NY application

    gudluck for both of us...tell me soon if u already has an eligibility
  4. Hi Suzanne, important questions about NY application

    hi, my application is already report issued and it took 6months but still my eligibilty is on process,i already pass my application (form1) to nysed im still waiting for my eligibilty..but what did...
  5. Hi Suzanne, important questions about NY application

    no dont hav it it...i juz hope it will b ok...i juz really
  6. a question regarding NY approval

    i just get confused??do cvs required to send HS diploma?coz i've send my application to CVS last aug and i didnt send my
  7. help NY application

    tnx suzzane, but what do you mean by "you will not need to make up any courses?" thnx
  8. Hi Suzanne, important questions about NY application

    i forgot also the dates of my education i juz put the month and year i juz hope it would be
  9. Hi Suzanne, important questions about NY application

    so you mean to say i can now apply and pay for the form1 and also i can now register to pearson vue at the same time?even if the status of my cvs is ready for final reviw?thank you so much
  10. help NY application

    i really dont know the steps by step procedure to apply for nclex in NY, i read the treads and the stickies and still i get confused correct me if im wrong 1st do the CVS thing while waitng for that...
  11. Hi Suzanne, important questions about NY application

    so wats the purpose of cvs? when i submit and pay for the NY licensing (form 1) what will happend nxt?and how long it would take? thanks so much suzanne for ur
  12. Hi Suzanne, important questions about NY application

    hi, i badly need ur help, i just want to know can i apply for NY licensing even if my status at my cgfns cvs is ready for final review? orcan u sugest anything i can do while waitng for the cvs?are...
  13. help for those who also apply for CVS

    thats why im so confuse regarding that.. sending to courier they didnt allow po box address they want in full address, what is the full add? and can it be possible send this via registered
  14. help for those who also apply for CVS

    regular mail? by the post office? through lbc does this
  15. hi, can i ask anyone who also apply for CVS? what is the address of CGFNS coz im a bit confuse regarding the