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About carolCCRN

carolCCRN has 11 years experience and specializes in ICU.

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  1. Share Your Funniest Patient Stories...

    OMG I must share this. This AM a pt on out unit died (elderly, metastatic CA) and it took awhile for the family to get here so 2hrs later they were still at the bedside. The attending MD's office was...
  2. MD rounds w/nurses..what should I mention has info on the SBAR. You have to register, but it's
  3. MD rounds w/nurses..what should I mention

    The SBAR communication tool is excellent for helping you organize your thoughts and keep to the point. I believe an actual SBAR form can be downloaded off the internet, but I'm sorry, I don't know of...
  4. I don't want to be the ONLY nurse in ICU!

    You stick to your guns on this one! It is absolutely unsafe for you and the patients for all the reasons stated above. If you don't stand up, nobody will. Best of luck, and be
  5. staffing stradegies

    Wow, what you describe is a HOT MESS. No wonder the staff complains. I've been doing our schedule for 8 years and we've pretty much been doing self-scheduling. We staff for 20 beds (ICU unit, RN/Pt...
  6. Take the Job?????

    Taking that first job is scary at best. Best of luck to you! I went to ICU as a new grad even though I was strongly discouraged by nursing school faculty - been there for 10yrs now. I wouldn't even...
  7. At my facility, we have a point system that awards so many points for an absence, more points for an absence on a holiday, etc. Once a staff member gets to a certain number, he/she gets a warning. If...
  8. Intolerant of RN errors

    I'm not suggesting that errors of any kind should be overlooked. The original question asked if we saw an INCREASE in employer intolerance of nurse errors, and my answer is "Yes". Minor infractions...
  9. Intolerant of RN errors

    Wow, I thought I was just being paranoid. We just implemented a new computer charting program, and I swear it just makes it easier for management to find mistakes - mostly documentation lapses. WE...
  10. What to Buy

    AMEN, llg! Most people spend more than they make, and creditors are more than happy to extend loans to nurses. I don't want to be a wet blanket, but I have so many nurse friends who are working...
  11. How does your nurse manager stack up?

    I've got to "ditto" the necessary evil of the note graveyard. There is so much new info that comes out daily that has to be implemented YESTERDAY!!!! that it's hard to get the word out one-on-one....
  12. I have a question for all of you ICU nurses...

    I think at the top of my list would be better communication with the MDs. We have some MDs who hide for family members and have to be beaten before they'll talk to anyone. Sure, sometimes the report...
  13. ICU Nurses with OCD!!!

    I went to ICU straight out of nursing school and have been there ever since. I was so lucky to have a few coworkers who liked to teach and didn't mind answering my questions, because ICU is so...
  14. Death

    On my unit, we try really hard to support the family members by preparing the body (Yes, sometimes a bath and linen change) and the room (removing medical equipment, placing chairs and tissue boxes)...
  15. Am I wrong?

    Nursing school for me seems like such a long time ago. I learned to "stay under the radar" and say "Yes, Ma'am" alot because right or wrong, instructors wield a lot of power (and some of them really...