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All Content by pyrolady

  1. So Very Sad

    Huge shortage of nurses out there - shouldn't have any problem. I say walk (I just did...). Good luck !
  2. To retain information for testing you must first UNDERSTAND the information - NOT memorize it. There is a difference. Please try thinking through the information in a logical manner where one thing follows or leads to another. Cramming means memor...
  3. Please!!!!!Need some advice

    I am a DON in a SNF and there is a huge shortage of nurses so you won't have a problem getting hired. HOWEVER, you need to keep this in mind: Hospitals have an approx. ratio of six patients per nurse. Nursing homes have approx. 22 - 28 patients pe...
  4. In Need of Serious Help

    What was your first choice of career? If you can't go back and get another degree, perhaps you can use the nursing background for a different career with less stress. Medical transcription, medical billing, case manager or insurance companies, home...
  5. Career Advice

    Might want to try getting into medical billing or medical transcription. It's something you can do from home and don't have physical limitations - can even do the transcription from your laptop at any location. I know I've heard of people making in...
  6. What's your Christmas wish?

    A new career....PLEASE !!
  7. Selfish family?Student Mothers please read!

    I agree with jov....the older children did not sign on to be young parents. I have a girlfriend who is the second in a family of six. She got pregnant her senior year. Reason? "If I'm going to raise children, they might as well be my own!!" (fro...
  8. Is Nursing School Hard?

    One of my classmates had NINE children going through school. She drove over an hour to get there and was planning to divorce her husband at the time (hence the return to college). I had just gotten a divorce, was raising two children, had no car fo...
  9. Losing your skills in LTC

    Our LTC has trachs, tube feeders, wounds (III and IV - NOT facility acquired) up the ying yang, isolation cases, etc. We do IV's, cath's, etc. I just finished managing a hospital unit. They had darn near the exact patients there with a 6:1 ratio. ...
  10. Alzheimer's-Brother won't help!!!

    Chatter may have a point though - how close were your mom and brother before AD? Lots of sons are close to mom and when something like this comes along they have deep deep problems. Remember, it is a woman's nature to comfort and a man's to "fix" -...
  11. Is it true that a BSN will be mandatory soon?

    They were kicking that around when I went to nursing school 15 years ago and it's still recycling . I don't think I'd panic about it....they don't have enough instructors to do the ADN and LPN programs, what makes them think they'll have enough to a...
  12. Best Florida city?

    Sunrise or Sunset? Gulf side is beautiful for it's sunsets, water is more friendly and TONS of intercoastal waterways, islands, beaches, friendly people and lots of culture in the Tampa and St. Pete area. Coming from Minnesota you may get sticker s...
  13. nurse & dr affair, what should I do?

    I agree with previous posts - none of your business, stay out of it. There's an old saying, "No good deed goes unpunished..." What purpose would your involvement be? You need to ask yourself, "why do I want to become involved in this (be it whistl...
  14. One more suggestion - if you have a BSN you can test for being a Nursing Home Administrator or an Assisted Living Administrator. Good money, office work not floor, everyone in the bldg. is under you. I have an administrators license and did it in t...
  15. Mom23RN - how much does a medical transcriptionist make and how do you go about doing it??? Did you have to market yourself? How did you find doctors to transcribe? Charge by page or hour? Different formats for different docs? I have an acquaint...
  16. do nurses eat their young

    yup - a lot of them do. Hopefully you run into some who are professional enough to be a preceptor. Unfortunately you did something that someone reported. My suggestion is the same as a previous post - learn to cover your bottom. How? Well, somet...
  17. Healthier Living Support - Part III

    Ahhhh yes...stress eating. I do so well until about 3:00 and then it's chocolate and anything I'm not supposed to have. Get home and eat while cooking dinner. Like a good little nurse, I haven't been to the doctor in two years - but I CAN say that...
  18. Moving to Largo, Florida

    For all people reading posts late (like me) Largo Medical is NOT a good place to work. Been there, done that - and would NEVER consider it again. The stories I could tell would curl your hair. FlwannaB hits it on the head - only I could add soooo...
  19. mount dora or clermont FLA??

    Check out Chamber of Commerce for Mt. Dora online. Should be able to answer all of your questions. Great place - enjoy!
  20. Is this Abuse!?

    and yes, Squeakynurse, she is practicing medicine without a license and needs to be reported to the board as well as the abuse hotline.
  21. Is this Abuse!?

    If you live near the St. Pete area I will give you a job. I need good CNA's who care and you obviously do. Please go on and be a nurse - I would hire you in an instant. I am a DON....and believe me, not everyone is like your facility. My advice t...
  22. Im new... i need help. a lot of it! please!!!!

    I live in the Port Richey area and worked just south of Clearwater - It was an hour drive. Spring Hill is north of Port Richey so you can count on a drive of approx. 1 hr. 15 min. to 1 1/2 hours one way each day. Good thing is you'll be going North...
  23. New Nursing Student Needs HELP!

    I went to school and supported two children on my stafford said you have a loan, a grant, and a scholarship???? How expensive is the school you're going to? You are 21 - if perhaps you are a single mom there is assistance for that when ...
  24. Does anyone know....

    Your nursing home has to meet the state ratio r/t the current census. If it doesn't meet the mandated requirement two days in a row then they cannot admit for a certain amount of time (not good for financial flow and definately something they don't ...
  25. discouraged and ready to walk away....

    Try home care....if you continue to work in the hospital take your phone off the hook or get an answering machine on days off. Learn to say NO - I know this because I used to tell my nurses who work for me (I was a hospital manager) that the hospita...