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  1. LPN boards after 1 yr of RN program?

    You'll have to check but I thought that you have to have certain rotations out of the way. And also we would have to be an LPN in NH. I may be wrong but I remember students asking before we...
  2. Did I pass or fail?

    Great Job! Celebrate all the hard work. Definitely pays off!!!
  3. 3rd time

    Im sorry to hear this. Take some time and regroup. It's just a bump in the road. Im sure you will get past this soon. Take
  4. NCLEX shut off at 75...

    Best wishes! You should be so so proud of yourself. Good luck with your
  5. Hi All passed 2nd time using Kaplan!

    I back you on this one. Kaplan really helped me the 2nd time around. Also-to the rest-stay
  6. frustated with job search!!

    I hope you get the position you interviewed for. I was hired to my position before graduating. But I understand what you are saying. My hospital only hired in house. And there were double the...
  7. Anyone really love where they work?

    Sorry that you are being treated so bad. I do love where I work. I am a new grad (May 06). Most of the coworkers I've encountered have been great. I know that I need to grow thick skin but I...
  8. Just took the nclex..

    Good luck with your results. I was a repeat taker also. I went in with a different feeling the 2nd time. I knew I was prepared. All that studying really paid off. I couldn't be happier with what...
  9. Renal floor for new graduate?

    I am a new grad on this type of floor. We have a dialysis center right on the floor. But it is not run by the hospital. Most of our patients are renal issues but we do have a mix of med surg in there...
  10. Im in agreement with the above posters. I failed my first try. Took a couple days off. The second time I sat for hours and hours just doing questions. When I wasn't doing the Kaplan Questions--I...
  11. So wrecked

    It's just so frightening being so new. But I know with time I will grow more comfortable with this. But I just don't have all the questions and statments down. So I probably sound like I fumble....
  12. So wrecked

    Best wishes with your new job! It's so exciting but nerve wracking at the same time. We did one week of 7 to3's that included the movies, policies, signing off on technique and so on. It made for a...
  13. nursing career is a discourAGE

    Im very sorry to hear this. I do know how you feel. I had also failed. Give yourself some time and get back up and do it again. I was just thankful that it wasn't a one shot deal. Take
  14. Congratulations! Job well done and something you never have to do again.
  15. Congrats! So so happy for you. Do something fun this weekend. Best wishes in your new