You'll have to check but I thought that you have to have certain rotations out of the way. And also we would have to be an LPN in NH. I may be wrong but I remember students asking before we...
I hope you get the position you interviewed for. I was hired to my position before graduating. But I understand what you are saying. My hospital only hired in house. And there were double the...
Sorry that you are being treated so bad. I do love where I work. I am a new grad (May 06). Most of the coworkers I've encountered have been great. I know that I need to grow thick skin but I...
Good luck with your results. I was a repeat taker also. I went in with a different feeling the 2nd time. I knew I was prepared. All that studying really paid off. I couldn't be happier with what...
I am a new grad on this type of floor. We have a dialysis center right on the floor. But it is not run by the hospital. Most of our patients are renal issues but we do have a mix of med surg in there...
Im in agreement with the above posters. I failed my first try. Took a couple days off. The second time I sat for hours and hours just doing questions. When I wasn't doing the Kaplan Questions--I...
It's just so frightening being so new. But I know with time I will grow more comfortable with this. But I just don't have all the questions and statments down. So I probably sound like I fumble....
Best wishes with your new job! It's so exciting but nerve wracking at the same time. We did one week of 7 to3's that included the movies, policies, signing off on technique and so on. It made for a...
Im very sorry to hear this. I do know how you feel. I had also failed. Give yourself some time and get back up and do it again. I was just thankful that it wasn't a one shot deal. Take