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All Content by HD11

  1. Stethoscopes...

    i recommend a littmann master classic II. its a little pricey---i believe $90 or $100. but i love it. hope that helps.
  2. 'Unhealthy' nurses...bad examples?

    dude i soooo agree with you. im finishing up my BSN right now...yay ONE MORE SEMESTER. anyway, it really stinks when you are going to class and have to walk through a cloud of smoke. :wink2: . i feel your pain.
  3. Is Umsl Nursing School Good or Bad?!?

    man oh man.......:barf01:
  4. WOW all of you are experiencing how i felt when i went to DCN....it was horrible. the admin people are neglectful and they lost my loan check like 4 times. best thing about that school was taking classes at Fontbonne. im now at UMSL, way better
  5. umsl

    yoyoyoyo...haha i am in my last year in the program at umsl..... thats so random that the first thing i see when i clicked on misery im sorry missouri.....was umsl. its a good program just avoid kathy lee for med surg I i have learned alot.....diane...