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About nursienurse_81

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  1. Humana Case Manager Work at Home

    A friend of mine is encouraging me to go to work at Humana. I am scared to quit my ICU hospital position. The Humana position allows you to work from home after 3 months. Does anyone have any...
  2. Exper. Nashville RN Pay Scale

    My husband and I are looking to move from Tampa to Nashville, TN and I am curious as to which hospitals are the best to work for and what I can expect in pay (approx.). I currently have 4 years as...
  3. I was wondering if anyone could please tell me the daily job description of a CRNA? I was wondering what your daily shift schedules are and what you do while there. Do you intubate, epidurals,...
  4. Feeling called to nursing...some questions

    I believe where you are in the country may make a difference. I work in Tampa, Florida and we are begging for nurses (especially nurses with experience). I am an RN in the hospital. I work PRN...
  5. Did i handle this situation correctly???

    I would have given the patient the 25 units he requested then rechecked his blood sugar later according to the insulin you gave him. If it was still high I would explain to the patient the need for...
  6. Florida BON status w/ Excelsior?

    I applied for the CPNE at the very end of October and 4 days later received a Jan 8 CPNE date. Went to the CPNE and passed in Jan but my graduation date wasn't scheduled through excelsior until March...
  7. Do you say you're a nurse...

    You should be proud of your accomplishments. Anyone who works in the healthcare field and stays in the healthcare field should be proud. We are on a whole underappreciated. We work holidays,...
  8. Do you say you're a nurse...

    I am an LPN. My husband is an RN. I tell people I am a nurse. My husband tells people he is a nurse. My husband can work anywhere in the hospital. I work med-surg. My base is $17.50. My husband's is...
  9. I would like to say

    Sometimes I think RN's are unaware of the way LPNs are treated not because it doesn't happen, but because it doesn't happen to them. As an LPN I have been called a "Little Phake Nurse", a "Low Paid...
  10. Doctoral degree to become an NP???

    does anyone know the payscale for a dnp compared to a
  11. Do you say you're a nurse...

    Comparing LPN to CNA because the word nurse is in the title is a very bad analogy because the "a" in CNA is the word assistant. A "nurse's assistant or aide". When CNAs are working they are the...
  12. LPN pay in West TN

    Was she working in LTC or in a hospital? Sometimes that makes a huge
  13. Excelsior RN accepted in Tennessee?

    Thank You Very Much. I Really Appreciate
  14. LPN Needing Advice About RN thru Excelsior!

    As a matter of fact, I have. Unfortunately, the board of nursing in Tennesse isn't open 24/7. In the meantime I just posted a question. By the way... Tennessee has websites so people can utilize...
  15. Indiana State University

    I know Illinois doesn't.