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All Content by dsoginer

  1. BRCC & OLOL Nursing

    Actually OLOL puts a LOT of weight in the essay you are asked to write as to why you want to get in. Go talk to a Technical writing teacher and get some advice. Also for at least the last two years (including this one) Tulane and gov't grants pay the...
  2. OLOL Students and Graduates

    I do not know about a traditional program, but it would be impossible to work in the OLOL accel. program. However a wonderful benefit with a nursing degree is that most hospitals will pay back your school loans and there is a government program that...
  3. BRCC & OLOL Nursing

    I do not know of anyone in my class at the NO OLOL college accelerated class that took classes at OLOL. All of my pre-reqs came from Nicholls State.
  4. OLOL Accelerated -Fall 2007

    Please feel free to ask any questions but I am so swamped that it may be a little while before I answer
  5. OLOL Accelerated -Fall 2007

    I am in the NO accelerated program right now. I do not know that the school looks at GPA, of course your grades need to be decent but I was told when I applied that it is the essay that you are required to write that seperates the applicants. If you ...
  6. OLOL - Accelarated Program 2007

    One question please. Should we have a lap top computer or a PDA for classes?
  7. OLOL - Accelarated Program 2007

    It is wonderful when someone takes the time to help upcoming students. I hope if I am ever in the hospital you will be my nurse. If there are any smaller tips that you can give please feel free to do so.
  8. OLOL Accelerated -Fall 2007

    ECnola, I do not know the exact date. I did speak to someone about the Tulane stipend and it will be $600.00 with 25% taken out for taxes. I am very excited about the orientation. But first I have to pass Chemistry
  9. OLOL-I'm in!

    Hello all, I just got back into the country and my acceptance letter was waiting! yea, please let us know if you made it. Orientation here we come!
  10. Fall '07 Applicants-OLOL Accelerated

    Congradulations blkgrlwthwings, I had to chose between two schools also and turned one down for OLOLC so I have everything riding on this. If I get in I will be looking for roommates - so we can stay in touch and see what happens
  11. Got my REJECTION letter yesterday

    which school????
  12. Medical Terminology class for OlOLC

    I was looking at the OLOLC website and realized that there is a Medical Terminology class that is needed as a pre-req that I do not have. I do not remember the information package mentioning this class but apparently I missed something. Does anyone...
  13. Medical Terminology class for OlOLC

    No, I did not ask in the email whether the decisions have been made, I wanted to but did not
  14. Medical Terminology class for OlOLC

    I heard from OLOLC and was told that it is a misprint. We are to take med. term. during the program
  15. Medical Terminology class for OlOLC

    Thanks serenity, I knew I did not see it on the info packet. I am feeling a bit better. I sent an email to OLOLc asking about this class.
  16. Fall '07 Applicants-OLOL Accelerated

    To our so much smarter (2007 & 2006 grads) I have a question please. If you wanted to prepare for this program this summer before starting, what would you study? And is there a web site where you can download notes (like Charity has)? Also ...
  17. Fall '07 Applicants-OLOL Accelerated

    Congratulations on graduating Thursday! way to go. Thank you for responding and letting us know even more about the program. Guess I was being optimistic about getting to go home on the weekends, but that is one of the reasons I (if I get in) will ...
  18. Fall '07 Applicants-OLOL Accelerated

    I will promise something to all my fellow hopefuls on this web site. If I make it into OLOLC, we will all work together to pass this school. It will be the most difficult 10 months of our life as far as education goes, but with help from each other...
  19. Fall '07 Applicants-OLOL Accelerated

    blkgrlwithwings do you have a medical background. If you do not mind answering?
  20. Accelerated OLOL--essay question

    I am not discussing interview questions because that is not fair to other applicants. However, they did ask standard questions. I had purchased Two Hundred Interview Questions to practice and they must have bought the same book;)
  21. Accelerated OLOL--essay question

    Hi, good luck. I had my interview last week and they did ask me about my lack of medical experience. I understood that it might be a problem for getting into the school but you have to be honest because that will most definitely keep you out. I h...
  22. Fall '07 Applicants-OLOL Accelerated

    I had my interview, however it is not fair to other applicants to talk about the questions asked. The interview was not bad, however I found that I was discouraged because I had not worked in health care before. Also they were not encouraging about...
  23. OLOL applicants

    Anyone from the Houma/Thibodaux area?
  24. OLOL applicants

    I love this website! I received my email also! Congrats all!!! :balloons: can't wait to met you all, we will be together for 3 years, if we all make it!
  25. OLOL applicants

    Has any applicant recieved a letter yet? Lets keep each other from anxietycrazy!