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  1. requirements for Capitol Medical Center

    yes there is a training fee. I paid mine last year 2500 for 1 month. There's a big chance for you to be hired once you passed the training. It will now depend on your rank during your training on how...
  2. requirements for Capitol Medical Center

    Yes CMC prefers University graduate. Preferably FEU CEU UST UERM TUA and Capitol grad of course. Before, board rating of 78% is ok but now you must have 80% to be
  3. Final Interview @ Cardinal Santos Medical Center

    My friend who is a staff nurse in Cardinal Santos said that the 20 nurse position were already filled
  4. requirements for Capitol Medical Center

    1 month training, that's 2 weeks didactic and 2 weeks duty. I don't know if it will be the same on the next batch. Yes there is a certificate given on the last day of your
  5. requirements for Capitol Medical Center

  6. requirements for Capitol Medical Center

    First you have to pass the requirements and wait for the personnel to call you for exam. When you passed the exam you are qualified for the training. By the way, the training they offer is for...
  7. where/when did you graduated?


    wow that's good to hear! Goodluck on your interview!
  9. capitol medical center/med ctr mla

    hello any updates on

    Hi prongs,when have you taken the 2 month volunteer and after how many months were you scheduled for an
  11. de los santos medical center

    Hi I hope someone can help me. I passed all my credentials last April and then just today I received a text message saying that 'Post graduate training course fo nurses will commence on Aug.2 (Monday)...
  12. (VMMC)Veterans Memorial Medical Center

    when is your
  13. (VMMC)Veterans Memorial Medical Center

    I'm still waiting for their call as

    I see, Thanks for that information. I'll personally go there and check. If ever you happen to go there first please post here
  15. Fe Del Mundo Medical Center Trainee exam

    Are they accepting trainees? The guards asked for my resume and then handed it to them and they said he will send it to HR. It was April back then when I left my resume,up to now I haven't received...