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  1. Taking patients outside to smoke?

    My clients can go outside at will unless they are unsteady on their feet/seizure-risk. I am actually smelling one smoking with the door open as I type this. Always something to do.
  2. Hi, Can anyone recommend a good book for a LVN working in a drug rehab detox facility? This is my first job and I work alone at nights and feel out of my element sometimes. Thanks for any...
  3. Is it possible for your brother to get a long-lasting injection form of his schizophrenia medication? That would eliminate some of the possible chances of relapse (sorry, if that is not the proper...
  4. I just signed up with pearson vue yesterday and reading the fine print before the final registration page said something about how the test gives you questions that are really tough in trying to...
  5. Take a break if you can for a few hours and just pamper yourself even if it's just a bath, candles and a good book. You have come so far and I imagine you are ALMOST there! Spring Break isn't that far...
  6. Now I am confused!!

    If you have found your passion I would stick with it. There are lots of therapists at hospitals that see pts on a daily basis. I imagine speech therapists have to be in demand also. Here in TX they...
  7. Baby Jesus as a NICU admission

    http://www.andhranews.net/Intl/2008/December/27/Peruvian-Virgin-Mary-80939.asp This is what may be called a pure coincidence-a Peruvian woman called Virgen Maria, closely resembling Virgin Mary, gave...
  8. Lvn program, Is it worth it?

    Have you checked out Dominican? I know they have several options for attending while you work. I don't know how much it costs or the weight list. But that is a school a lot of people don't think...
  9. Alone in my "hippie" beliefs in Texas at Nursing School.

    Thanks. You all had a bit of a different response but maybe I do need to realize a bit more that the area I am in has more conservative beliefs than I am accustomed to and in the future my patients...
  10. Hi, I hope this is the right place to post this. I am in the first semester of LVN school in Texas but I am originally from N. California. I always feel like I am the outsider because I don't believe...
  11. Tomorrow's the big day

    Today is my first day!!! I am running on about 3 1/2 hours of sleep. Too nervous to sleep. I've been waiting for this day for so long. Today is my son's first day of Pre-K also. Big day in my...
  12. Are these any good? I'd like to spend around $100-$125. The reviews seem ok for Prestige Clinical Cardiology Stethoscope and Labtron Adult Palm Aneroid Sphygmomanometer? (I think I like the idea of...
  13. Two words: Tooth
  14. Ugh! Only one other post made me gag in this whol thread (can't remember which) and yet this one made me want to STOP READING this thread! Ugh.
  15. Things Patients Have Taught Me NOT To Do

    Do not use a pager on vibrate as a sexual device. It will not come out with the use of kitchen tongs and you will end up requiring stiches to repair the damage from the tongs and