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All Content by gfipgfip

  1. pre-employment drug testing?

    In england the test is mainly only for cannabis and it isnt nation wide. not sure if it's a blood test or urine test though. it usually gets out of your system in 6 months, although i have heard, although this may just be a rumour, that pineapple/gra...
  2. I've heard patients call their vaginas 'geenins' which is my favourite i think. however it's not just patients, a nursing student on my course cant call vaginas or penises by their names and calls them really stupid names depending on her mood. a 'ti...
  3. I totally agree with its use when to be used medically. there have been so many studies where it's medical use has been proved to be huge, but has then been ignored purelly because it's an illegal drug. i think it's ridiculous.
  4. in our class there's this most irritating women who interrupts the lectures every 2 minutes saying in an incredibley whingey voice 'i don't understaaaaaaand'. drives me up the wall!!!!