

critical care

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About k3immigrant

k3immigrant specializes in critical care.

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  1. I think so too that you overreacted. when we use these machines like bp, pulse ox etc, we should not solely rely on that, we should also look at the pt.as long as they are not in distress, no...
  2. Sheez! She's back and venting AGAIN!!

    i think that it's not the system that was not working good in that scenario that was pointed out, i think it was more of communication between the physician, the nurse in charge of the pt or the...
  3. Someone else makes a mistake, I get in trouble

    i was just wondering...where was your preceptor when you were taking report? when i precept new nurses/new hire nurses, i always take report with them so at least i can catch whatever is missed or i...
  4. You will not bring me down

    atta girl!!!go for it...whatever & however you were treated before, use that to push yourself & improve as a
  5. Wacko RN - Write Up vs. Direct Report

    my gosh :smackingf:smackingf she is dangerous....can it be that she is intoxicated or worse, she is not sure of what she is suppose to do & as a defense mechanism acted that
  6. Open letter for those with family in care....

    My mother in law was in a nursing home, she actually died there. whenever I go visit her, i can't help but admire all the people that works there.I guess you need to have a big heart to work in LTC...
  7. Reader's Digest article on nursing

    i was teary eyed after reading the story of lewis.it made me angry because i felt the nursing profession failed this bright boy. as i was reading through the article, there were lots of signals,...
  8. Do you shower when you get off work???

    i take a bath before going to work & bath & scrub as soon as i come home.i have kids at home & there's no way i want them to get any traces of the bacteria/viruses that are from the...
  9. Conflicted over starting INH

    before i even came to this country, i know that my PPD is positive because i had 2 shots of the BCG vaccine coming from a third world country.when i got pregnant, the dr's office did the routine &...
  10. Post Cva And Blood Pressure

    higher BP at least greater that SBP of 140 for ischemic stroke is indicated for as mentioned better perfusion but for hemorrhagic stroke, it's the opposite, you want a lower BP. Thorazine is not just...
  11. BCLS and ACLS Certification Locations In Nevada

    the previous thread is right, don't even think about taking it just yet.if you want to just be familiar with it, try the internet like randy larson's site.for BLS, try the one in St Rose for a minimal...
  12. Please read, need your opinions, advice!

    actually i am in the same boat as you are right now. i relocated in las vegas almost two years ago for the wrong reasons. the company sucks. i was told that there was a CNA but i was not told that...
  13. pts going out to smoke

    sorry, i guess we are talking about patients going off the floor to smoke & now nurses too......anyways let me just say... probably with you, you are responsible enough to look at the clock &...
  14. pts going out to smoke

    Whenever my patient asks me if he can go down & smoke, i always go through the litany of the blah blah blah risks of leaving the unit. I also explain that if they insist in going down to smoke,...
  15. Med error???????

    what i learned in my 4 years of nursing, DO NOT trust anybody especially if you are going to put your signature/initials on it. if somebody or a charge nurse tells you that she got an order, do not...