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About sweetbeet

Mom to 2 beautiful teenage daughters, married and love my job!

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  1. School requiring ATI as part of course

    Thanks for the input. I checked out their web page and like what I see so far. I'm just going to use it as another tool. Thanks
  2. School requiring ATI as part of course

    did you feel it was helpful? From what I understand we have to take the tests at certain points but they do not reflect on our
  3. My school is going to start requiring ATI NCLEX prep course as part of the nursing curriculum - as if we didn 't have enough to do right now. I'm going into my last semester so I'm not too upset...
  4. Nasty clinical instructors

    I so can't wait for this semester to end. One of our instructors is retiring and I swear she is trying to weed out as many people as possible this semester. Every little tiny nit picky thing on...
  5. Abusive and Cruel Clinical Instructors: Why??

    I'm happy to say that our course coordinator has taken our complaints seriously. In my program we have documentation to back up our skills for each rotation. Some of us who have had clinicals with...
  6. Abusive and Cruel Clinical Instructors: Why??

    OMG! I feel at home. I am having the most horrible rotation right now. Thank goodness it ends tomorrow. This CI is so passive-aggressive. Tells you nothing about her expectations but has no...
  7. New Unit Secretary - Children's ER

    I was kinda in the same boat as you. I was a paralegal and was making a career change to nursing. I decided to go whole hog, quit my job at the firm and started as a US at a hospital. It's...
  8. I Got In!!!!

    I am so happy. I got into HACC Gettysburg's Spring 2011 Program. Yeah!!!!! After 5 years of part-time I only have another 2 years to
  9. Any regrets?

    I agree that you might want to stop reading this site if you are hooked. Especially if you are a typical college student (i.e. young). Please don't take this the wrong way, but after you have a...
  10. Area of Least/Most Lawsuits in Nursing...

    I was a paralegal for a personal injury/med mal attorney (currently a nursing student now). What you said is true, a sorry does go a long way. Most often clients would refuse to bring other doctors...
  11. How can you not disclose what meds you are on if you have to take a urinalysis? I mean, you don't need to tell them why you are on them and I don't believe they can ask you why, but you would still...
  12. Help

    Have you tried your local "freecycle" site? I use two in my area. I post when I'm looking for stuff of if I have stuff to offer. No selling, just recycling for free. Good luck. Try this link to...
  13. Should I go through with it?

    As much as I hate to say it, I can see the road ahead will be rocky. But we will survive. My entire family is behind me (as is his). He seems to be the only one who doesn't realize he has a...
  14. Should I go through with it?

    When hubby is working out of town and I was full time outside the home, the girls would get frozen pizza and some canned green beans on the side with a Flinstones chewable for dessert!!!! They...
  15. Should I go through with it?

    I too believe in "in sickness and health". So I'm not taking this capriously. What hurts is that I've had some health problems the last year and he has totally blown me off to deal with them on my...