Please clarify with your current employer whether you will be responsible for any of the cost of benefits you received during your leave. The Family & Medical Leave Act allows employer (in some...
I'm sorry for your circumstances. I seriously doubt you were dismissed for a performance problem. Even in right to work states, employees have some protections against malicious firing. Employers... This article describes the pharmacy's procedure (or lack thereof) for cleaning equipment used to measure...
Thanks, Kyrshamarks for opening a realistic conversation about the topic of government controlled healthcare. Alfie's case (nor the other little boy earlier this year, whose name I can't recall) was...
Beth, might you be confusing TMS with ECT? What you are describing is typical of out-patient ECT, where an efficient, well-run clinic can admit, treat, recover, and discharge an experienced patient...
Are hospital acquired surgical site infections reportable (by mandate) to any government or regulatory agency? Is there a means for a patient to self-report a hospital acquired surgical site...
I'm sorry you didn't get the job you wanted, but I believe you are over-stating things just a bit. You said you were not interested in rotating shifts. That is a far cry from disclosing a disability....
The first thing I noticed about this post was: "Patient is 21 years old tells the psychiatrist she has OCD." My thought: Starting off an initial visit with a new healthcare provider by informing the...
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I understand that the OP chose to transfer care to the clinic where her former friend is employed after knowing that the former friend shared news of her pregnancy,...
I agree that taking care of yourself is the key, and don't believe that seeing a doctor is the only way to accomplish that. What I do believe is that calling out (typically on short notice, when one...
If your physical or mental condition prevents you from performing your job duties, then it is appropriate to call out sick. However, just as you would consult a healthcare provider for a physical...
Please accept my answer in the spirit it is intended: as a practical response, not a harsh one. It doesn't matter a whit which rotation you do first. Not a single patient, faculty member or future...