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All Content by mercykitten

  1. HELP Recyle disabled nurses

    Dear Mattsmom, thank you for the info on the AOL site for disabled nurses. I don't think that was advertising anymore than giving the site to help file for SSD. Any info that could help someone in the position we find ourselves in should be welcome. ...
  2. HELP Recyle disabled nurses

    I want to let everyone know how much I appreciate your responses. We have some good advice here, but more importantly, we are together in our difficulties. I no longer feel as alone with this problem. I am grateful that we can do positive things thro...
  3. HELP Recyle disabled nurses

    discarded APN: Ever heard the one "life is a journey" ....and something else about the "friends we pick up on the way." Don't think of going on SSD as giving up, but as part of the journey. Just because you're in Michigan doesn't mean you can't m...
  4. HELP Recyle disabled nurses

    Discarded APN: Welcome to this thread. I believe that it is a support to those in our position, justhaving a place to vent and ask questions. I am not on SSD....still working but watching heart monitors. Two places to check for help with SSD woul...
  5. HELP Recyle disabled nurses

    Jevans, we do have disability laws in the US. plus all fifty states have different labor and disability laws. About 3 yrs ago, the state of Kentucky (where I live) changed their workers comp laws, greatly limiting the amount of money that a worker re...
  6. HELP Recyle disabled nurses

    Got to get to bed, working 12 hrs. next few nights. But wanted to share a quick thought (and will try to respond to previous postings later). Is anyone willing to talk to the press about their disablity story? If we could focus public opinion a...
  7. HELP Recyle disabled nurses

    One way that I am fighting is this thread. If we can make more people aware of the problem, both nurses and others, it may be possible to bring public opinion to bear and change the current approach that hospitals take. If we can make people aware,...
  8. HELP Recyle disabled nurses

    Mattsmom81, I did apply for nursing supervisor at my hospital. The administration went back and added a 50 lb lifting requirement to the position. I have never seen one of the supervisors lifting a pt or 50 lbs of paper.
  9. HELP Recyle disabled nurses

    Catlady, thanks for the info about LPN instructors. I will look into that. Also your info has helped at least one other person. Again, let me say that a reason for posting this thread was to help other injured nurses find a path. But again, I st...
  10. HELP Recyle disabled nurses

    Mattsmom81, I hope your recovery is quick. I will be praying for you. Yes, we all need to work together to recycle nurses that have developed limitations due to injuries. The most important item a nurse brings to her job is her brain. Most of us st...
  11. HELP Recyle disabled nurses

    One of the reasons I posted this thread is for the sake of other nurses who are in the same shoes. They were injuried on the job and their hospital just tossed them away. These "throwaway nurses" are the ones who risk their lives coming to work in bl...
  12. HELP Recyle disabled nurses

    Thanks to everyone who has replied so far! My hospital won't allow me to do either babies or peds because they pull nurses from those departments when census is low to adult floors (where lifting would be an issue). Recently I have been considering...
  13. Lame admit Dx's

    At my hospital, we consider "near syncope" as pt falls, or maybe comes close to falling but never actually loses consciousness. Last week we got a transfer from oncology. The diagnosis resulting in the transfer "dehydration." So I asked, "can't oncol...
  14. nursing shortage

    I worked one semester as a "part-time" instructor, supposedly only to work 20 hrs a week. But my boss expected 40 hrs a week out of me. I was only getting paid $500/month and was still working part-time at the hospital. I was living at home with my ...
  15. Transition from restraint to restraint free facility

    Thanks for your note, but I am in Kentucky.....I guess some of the info at got mixed up. But I do like both Texas and North Carolina. My twin brother went to Duke.....mercykitten.
  16. Transition from restraint to restraint free facility

    We (hospital) have been told to go restraint free. While I understand the intentions behind this, the reality is that it doesn't work. First of all, it does not support patient safety. We had one pt. fall four times in an hour, one time with the nurs...
  17. Future of Nursing

    While I am new to posting, I have been following the BB here for quite some time. On this subject regarding the future of nursing, I have to say "get real!" With the major nursing crisis facing us and the country, we can't afford to start requiri...