ms mimi

ms mimi

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All Content by ms mimi

  1. Would You Pray if your Patient asked?

    i would love to pray with a patient if they asked me to. i am a born again christian and pray often, and have seen its power work in my life and the lives of others. give it to God.
  2. New Grads: Where to start your career?

    I haven't finished school yet, but i think that i will go into the area that i want to go into. The new grad nurses that i've known have gone into the area that they wanted and best suited them. I've heard that too, that going into med-surge would be...
  3. Study Habits?

    Some things that have helped me is to read the material about everyday. Even if it is just a page or two, just go over it and keep it current in your mind. If i skip a week of reading a try to come back to it is so confusing. Plus the fact that there...
  4. What semester is the hardest?

    ;)i just finished my 1st semester of an ADN program, so i am no expert. but everyone where i go to school at says that 1st and 4th are the hardest. i found 1st semster to be very hard. not due to the fact that the material was hard, but that it took ...
  5. Background check/drug screen before clinicals

    yes my school drug tests, and we have to have fingerprints done before we can go into any clinical facility. i am glad they are drug testing because i wouldn't want a drug user as my nurse, they dont belong in the field.
  6. Memory Bank

    we didn't use much A & P in my 1st semester (ADN), but going into second semester they told us to review the systems (so pretty much the physiology part). we are going to really focus on the heart and its disorders, plus the endocrine system and ...
  7. what nursing shoes r best?

    i am not working 12 hr shifts yet, but for clinicals the old althletic shoes were not cutting it. they hurt my feet, so i looked around and talked to some nurses and i found SAS shoes. they might be a bit expensive but i think its better than buying ...
  8. OMG! Allnurses withdrawal!

    ok, good. i thought i was the only one, like maybe my connection was bad or it was my dinosaur PC. wonder why though. :Crash:
  9. What do you carry your books in?

    i find that the rolling bags are annoying b/c i have would rather walk up and down stairs (exersise) than use the elevators. so i bring my books to school and when i get there i put them in my locker, and go to my locker to get the books that i need....
  10. Hypoglycemia and working long shifts

    just to let you know what i've heard about fish oil caps. my nutrition teacher told us that fish oil caps are taken from the fish's liver, which concertrates all the toxins taken into the fish. so you are actually getting a version of fish oil that i...
  11. nursing school and being a stay at home mom

    When i took my pre-reqs i could schedule them around my son, but in nursing school the schedule is not very flexible. You will have to work your life around nursing school and clinicals. So i would have to say that you will need some type of childcar...
  12. Program study time VS Pre-req study time

    Pre-req study time doesn't come close to nursing. I was an A student before nursing school and walked out of my 1st semster with 9 points away from an A. And i was totally frustrated but am over it now. Most of my friends in the program were A studen...
  13. Hypoglycemia and working long shifts

    in my clinicals (7 hrs) we hardly had time to take a break b/c there was so much going on that we didn't want to miss. plus the fact that i wasn't sure about the employees lounge/fridge, and whether i could put my stuff there or not. so, being that i...
  14. do you read everything?

    YESSS!! i read every little reading assignment that there was and i got 9 points away from an A! talk about total frustration. nursing school is pretty much reading, that is the majority of your time spent. oh except for those wonderful care-plans th...
  15. What to do before classes start?

    i totally agree with the last post!! your break is a great time to catch up on "you" time: house, family, and freinds. use this time now before the craziness starts. i had the greatest intentions to read all of the readings for next semester, and i g...
  16. Still Breastfeeding

    i breastfed my child until he was about 2 1/2. you just have to say no and stick to it. i know that it is a great time for mother/child bonding but once you make the resolve to stop your child will adapt easier than you think. i am so happy to hear o...
  17. Tucson PCC Students~

    yes she stepped down, and somebody said that it would be a 4th semester instructor taking over. what i want to know is will this change things in any way. i also know somebody that is starting in fall in the new accelerated program. they will go thru...
  18. Just accepted into nursing program :0)

    while in school i am not working, but i get Pell grants and student loans. first you have to fill out a FAFSA . after you fill one out they will let you know what financial aide you can recieve. i get federal stafford loans,...
  19. Personality Test for Specialty

    #1-pathology 2-general internal med 3-nuclear me not quite sure what any of these really entail...
  20. Loan Consolidation Deadline Coming Up!!!!

    is a perkins loan the same as federal subsidised and unsubsidised? i wont be consolidating either b/c i want a hospital to help pay back my loans. tell us more about this perkins loan thing..
  21. Day Shift vs. Night Shift

    i wonder what shift i will work when i get out of school. i hate the night shift; worked it for a few months, thought i would die. but i dont think i can work day shift because during my son's summer break i have nowhere to put him. so i think i will...
  22. Help!!! financial aid question

    i went over on my credits last semester so i had to file an appeal this summer for the 06-07 school year. and i was just accepted. most of the people in my ADN program will have to file an appeal at some point. first i had to go see an advisor and fi...
  23. NO orientation

    at our orientation we went over things that you will probly go over your first day. either way you look at it your first day will be like your "orientation", they will tell you what to do next. don't worry, they won't just throw you in there (i hope)...
  24. Loaned out a book ...

    i would keep trying to get the book back, maybe it wll happen. otherwise use this opportunity to learn that you never lend anything out that you still need. if i lend something out i run the risk of never getting it back, so it has to be something i ...
  25. Do you think I'm overreacting?

    don't listen to your tutor, you made the decision to pursue nursing and you are an adult. i don't know if there is a specific type of person that is "right" for nursing. if you go thru school and start feeling that you aren't suited for it then you c...