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All Content by diablo

  1. Advice Please!!!!!!

    Well good luck!! Some aides are good, some are bad !! Usually the bad ones influence the good ones. Then you're up the creek!! You do what you can to get them to do their job, then you write them up. That's when you realize your D.O.N. is useless.......
  2. Unions for nursing?

    In the state of Georgia, you would probably be fired just for mentioning a union!! I think it would be great to be in a union. Might prevent some of the crap we have to put up with!!!
  3. 12 hour shifts

    I hate 12 hr shifts!! I would never work seven straight! I had more energy on 8 hr shifts. It takes me several days to recoup after working 3. I work straight nocts.
  4. NG tube question-please help!

    Why use sterile water to flush the tube??
  5. RN's signing LPN Charts

    how many LVNs do you know that are familiar with NPA? A little condescending??
  6. Badly needing to vent right now.

    This is a lawsuit waiting to happen!!!
  7. Come Play the Build a Better Hospital Game!

    How about lighting where it's needed!!
  8. What do you HATE to do at work?

    Not where I work!!
  9. Death Rattle

    Is this what was once called clysis???
  10. Acls required?

    Recently, all nurses at our facility have been required to take the ACLS. Our boss states (your job isn't dependent on passing) I work on a Med/Surg floor, am an LPN.have no interest in this certification..Opinions ???
  11. Acls required?

    This course is the whole kit and kaboodle.We have to do a mega code,everything!! Lpns do respond to codes in our facility. We participate, but we don't direct the code, or intubate! I don't mind learning the drugs,etc. I could certainly do without th...
  12. All Lpn's Please Read

    I still would like to know where you got your information! I certainly don't want to do anything illegal. You were so adamant in your post.Please tell me the article number,etc. I've read the nurse practice act,and found no references to what I can ...
  13. All Lpn's Please Read

    Greytnurse,Where in the nurse practice act are you getting this info?? I live in Ga. Work on a medical floor,also has Telemetry beds.The only thing we aren't REQUIRED to do is give chemo.We hang blood,push Iv meds,flush central lines,etc. Our Tel...
  14. I've been an Lpn for 18 years. I have two daughters that are Lpns, and one in Lpn school now. I have worked at a small hospital for 17 years.(138beds)I have worked all over the place,except OR. In our hospital,Lpns do almost everything.There are a ...