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All Content by MEL55

  1. Hi all I posted this in another forum... I don't remember which one, but got only one response & it was kinda vague, so I wanted to post it here. I'm an LPN working for the Arc(association of retarded citizens), in their Special Needs Day Program...
  2. Hi all Newbie here Got a question... I have been working in a Special Needs day program for going on 3 years now. I am the only LPN in the whole agency that I work with. There is one RN that has an office in my building, and I was told I ne...
  3. Fiona An outside Agency LPN is covered under her Agency RN. She can come into the Day Center & do the tubes and go.When the Arc RN resigns...there is no RN.
  4. Do your clients live there, where you work? The clients I deal with don't live in the Center I work in. It's a Day Center that the clients come in a school bus to mon. thru fri., & then go home... to the Group Home they live in, or to their fami...
  5. Thanx for the feedback. Just found out today the way they're getting around it untill they can hire the RN is get an outside agency LPN to come in daily & pay her to do the skilled care part(tube feedings... meds through the tubes & hydration...
  6. LPN working under an RN's license

    Thank you for the clarification. My concern lays in the fact that I work in a Special Needs day program with the severly developmentally disabled giving medications and also G-tube feedings (and administering medication through the G-tubes), and onc...