

telemetry, ICU, CCU endocrinology

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About nurseblondi

nurseblondi has 10 years experience and specializes in telemetry, ICU, CCU endocrinology.

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  1. I am a RN CDE as well as Type 1 x 40 years. I am enrolled in the Capella program for master's of science in nursing - diabetes nursing specialty. There are 5 clinical terms which are done locally....
  2. online nurse practitioner

    I spoke / emailed with Margo (the admission councelor for the ANP program at U of C). They do not support someone leaving their job nor do they support someone keep working. she indicated that if...
  3. online nurse practitioner

    Hi KMRNOCN, I have the newest curriculum from U of C as I made contact with them & they were nice enough to email it to me. I have the ANP but not the FNP. You can email me at...
  4. online nurse practitioner

    I'm glad there is a lot of conversation about online NP programs! I, too, am in search of the right program. I recently attained my CDE credential & now I have further visions of greener...
  5. Drips Calcs Info Needed!

    if you have a PDA, there is a shareware program called IV Rate Calculator that is great! It can be found at It costs $5. You select what drugs you want to add to your...
  6. Diabetes/Renal Failure

    i can relate to & understand your situation from a personal perspective. I am a nurse who has diabetes - was diagnosed when i was 16 months old. I have had multiple eye surgeries & have...