

Emergency Room

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Slpask specializes in Emergency Room.

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  1. Er burn out? Stressed out?

    Frequent fliers are the bread and butter to the ed.. Patients address me by my first name and I cannot walk down the hall without knowing at least one of them. It's too hard to care for five unit...
  2. New grads in my ed do well. My advice is to watch, learn and get involved with everything. The more exposure, the more confidence and knowledge will make you a great nurse. Learn from a successful...
  3. Food in the ER

    "I'm a diabtic" says the patient.. "but yor sugar is 400" says the nurse.. "but I'm a diabetic" pleads the patient.. "your sugar is still 400" politely repeats the nurse.. Sure, I will feed you,...
  4. Is there a nursing shortage?

    Nursing shortage: per my Manager NO.. per the lack of qualified interviews and implementation of the the sign on bonus.. MUST
  5. Is it just me, or are nurses pushy?

    DudeRN.. As a first year student, first night on the floor, I agree.. As a THIRD time on the floor, I am learning that pushy may be a bit strong.. I would go with MOTIVATED. I also was a bit let...
  6. Peds at Bridgeport Hosp info needed

    You have alot to consider...I live in trumbull. It is a very nice town extremely close to the hospital (15 minutes). As towns in the Bridgeport area are concerned Trumbull is much more affordable...
  7. Thank you for your kind words.. Age is not ther real issue.. The school I am going to is affiliated with the hospital, and "if I sign the contract", they will pay for my tuition, but I must work...
  8. To All... Opinions desired and advise accepted. I am about to start Nursing School through Bridgeport Hospital, and I am wondering how others did it! As a father (yes a man) of two children and a...