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About sheldon09

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  1. Theoretical Situation

    I don't think so, she is not caring for a patient, she is patient, therefore, I think she should be protected under HIPPA as a
  2. Wonderful Nurse, stuck in a rut!

    If she truly burnt out, she may want to think about changing careers or try something different that is not as
  3. Pls Help!!!

    I agree with one of your replies, LVN or Scrub Tech, pick the one you will enjoy doing the most because with either one, you are still limited. If you become a LVN, the work you do and the amount of...
  4. A discouraged nurse

    I am new to allnurses and first let me start by saying hello. I recently moved to California as of August 2005 from New Orleans as a result of Hurricane Katrina, lost my home, personal belongings...