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About Brainyheart

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  1. Hi there everyone...I worked as a new grad on a very challenging med/oncology floor for 8 months (until this past July), then left to take a job in home infuison nursing because I am really interested...
  2. If I can't handle medical, am I weak?....

    No, you are not weak, but only overwhelmed. I am leaving floor nursing after only 8 months because I feel that it is simply unsafe and, to add to the absurdity, we are being pressured about having...
  3. New to Home Infusion---Any Advice/Input?

    Thanks so much! I already have quite a collection of books and materials (including Weinstein, and the one the new company uses, by Lynn Dianne Phillips); I am trying to learn as much on my own as I...
  4. Nurses are Pathetic!!

    Hi, again... When I said that there are "hard things" about nursing that can be changed, I wasn't necessarily saying that this is all up to each individual nurse. There are huge systemic problems...
  5. Nurses are Pathetic!!

    I am a very late responder to this post...I would never say that "nurses" are pathetic, but I think the basic structure of nursing is truly dysfunctional---as bad as any family can be. I am only in 8...
  6. Anyone changing positions?

    hi, bbrown06, maybe it might be a good idea to see if there are any in-house transfer positions in med-surg available. i am going full-time into a completely different venue, but i will be looking to...
  7. Hello...I will be starting with a regional home infusion company in two weeks, and I would love to hear of everyone else's experience in the field. I am a new nurse (8 months), and they are willing...
  8. Anyone changing positions?

    I am...I will have had 8 months on a med-oncology floor by the time I start my new job (in home infusion nursing). I have always wanted to be involved in some aspect of IV nursing, and now I will get...
  9. ready to quit

    P.S.: Sorry, Mark, for calling you Mike!!! I
  10. A year in...and trust me, it gets better

    :igtsyt: I am in 7 months, too, and I will be quitting. I will NOT leave nursing, only bedside nursing. I certainly feel better about my own skills after 7 months, and that's why I now have the...
  11. ready to quit

    Mike: You are NOT alone! I am 7 months in on a ridiculously chaotic med-oncology floor:scrm: and I am waiting as I write this to see if I got a new (non-bedside) job that I interviewed for...
  12. Hospitals that hire new grads?

    Hi, Everyone, I'm a new grad in the Boston area too (licensed July 21). I think there are just too few formal new grad programs and too many of us, so I am scouring any job in med-surg that does not...
  13. any new grads getting jobs?

    Hi everyone, I just got my first interview last week and will hear next week if I got the job; I have been applying since late April. I am prepared to keep looking, though...One thing I had to do was...
  14. Mine means that I aspire to think with my heart and love with my mind, and sometimes get so mixed up I don't know which is
  15. UMASS Boston RN-BSN Online update

    Hi, I am just starting the UMASS RN/BSN online program...I got my license in July and I just had my first interview last week. I am excited to be going to school again (I love it; grad in May from...