Mary C


Birth center, LDRP, L&D, PP, nursing education

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All Content by Mary C

  1. I am interviewing for two faculty positions at small, private for-profit colleges. I have a MSN and 4 years of experience, 3 in L&D, 1 in a pulmonary ICU step-down. One opening is for maternal-child health, the other is for a fundamentals. I am ...
  2. Future L&D nurse, HOPEFULLY!

    My ultimate goal is to be a Midwife, and I'd love to get into L&D. I just got hired into a pulmonary progressive unit as my first nursing job. I am really excited to begin but nervous if I made a bad decision to start at pulmonary instead of a ...
  3. Fundal check

    Came in to a patient 3 hours postpartum. Fundus 3/u, not rising, but not decreasing with fundal massage. No clots expressed with massage. Lochia moderate, bp 120s-130s/80s and stable; hr 80-100. I checked the poor patient every hour, and did VS q ...
  4. Fundal check

    It was 5/u per the report I was given. She was straight cathed, received methergine because her bleeding was moderate to large and her fundus was boggy, to the right, and 5/u. After the methergine, cathing, and massage, it was 3/u and the bleeding ...
  5. Fundal check

    G2P2. She was voiding well, her bladder was nondistended, and her fundus was midline. Her skin was pink, warm and dry. She denies dizziness, beyond slight nausea that went away when she ate something.
  6. How Does Full Time W/ On-Call Work?

    I don't know if you got a response to this, but at the 3 facilities I have worked at, you work your 36 or 40 hours PLUS scheduled on call. You get paid a small hourly wage while you're on call and at home ($2-4), and then get paid time and a half if...
  7. Best way to give report...

    I know how to give report for a labor pt, and for a PP pt. I find myself very disorganized when giving PP report from a recently delivered pt. My brain feels fried from caring for the pt and charting like crazy after a delivery! I made myself a che...
  8. BD Insyte Autoguard IV help!

    I am experienced with the BD Saf-T Intima and have never had to secure an IV that is not winged and is not a closed system! I try to occlude the catheter, but find blood dribbling out when I go to attach the j-loop (extension set). I've tried to do...
  9. Best way to give report...

    Yes we do!!! This would be so helpful.
  10. I've worked nights for 2.5 years, so I know how to sleep during the day. My baby is 5 months old, my husband is VERY helpful, and we'd utilize daycare so I can sleep. Any tips or tricks for how to work three 12-hour shifts with an infant?
  11. Working Nightshift as a New Mommy

    I worked nights for the last 2.5 years. I quit this past summer to stay home with my son. Unfortunately, I need to return to work. I have a final interview for a job in OB. OB is my passion, I absolutely love it. My problem: The OB job openings...
  12. Repositioning/Turning Inservice

    I'm hosting an inservice tomorrow and will be bringing hand outs of pressure points, pictures of proper positioning for patients who have been turned, and handing out turning schedules (as well as pocket manuals with patient care tips). I want to ha...
  13. Minor's right to refuse

    If you have a patient's parent who is requesting her daughter to be put on birth control when the daughter says she is not having sex, how can you diplomatically handle it? Id never want to force a patient to do something, but want to avoid parent h...
  14. restorative nursing

    New to restorative nursing and LTC!!! When you say that an RA is doing however many programs, does that mean that there are that many residents with restorative programs or that there are that many programs total? I know you can get reimbursed for ...
  15. Minor's right to refuse

    Here's the full scoop. I'm a RN now, but eventually I will be a FNP (God willing!) after I complete my classes. I know how to pass the buck to the Doctor, but it got me thinking about when I can't pass the buck. How do I get Mom out of the room? ...
  16. Minor's right to refuse

    But how do I say it to the mom and teen without coming off rude or uncaring?
  17. I just receieved a phone call from a facility I had four interviews with. The last interview (and all) went very well. I missed the phone call but they left a message. I'm anticipating a job offer. If they offer the job, I am 22 weeks pregnant. I...
  18. Pregnant and Accepting Job Position

    What did you wind up doing, hladawn? I accepted the job and notified them I was pregnant. I start June 1st!
  19. I just receieved a phone call from a facility I had four interviews with. The last interview (and all) went very well. I missed the phone call but they left a message. I'm anticipating a job offer. If they offer the job, I am 22 weeks pregnant. I fee...
  20. I got the job offer, negotiated the pay and start date, and then told him I was pregnant. He asked my maternity plans and I said to work until I delivered, and then 4-6 weeks off based on what the Dr decided. He sounded okay with it, and told me al...
  21. I want to let him know before I begin the job, because I'd rather not leave my old one if they're going to find an excuse to fire me, or not let me take time off for my maternity leave (so I would have to quit when I delivered) or something else alon...
  22. Thanks for the input. With everyone's assistance, and some old posts, I've called back the administrator. I was going to accept the job, discuss pay, start date, and then say "I just wanted to be upfront that I am pregnant and due September 10th"....
  23. CMEs vs CEUs

    I understand that CMEs are for physicians and CEUs are for nurses. However, if I took a genetics quiz on the March of Dimes website and received CMEs, that means I can't use it as CEUs right? It would have to specify CEU to be counted?
  24. Where are all the pregnant women?

    Snuggling? Is THAT what happened? :dncgbby: Thanks so much!
  25. Birthing Ball Policy

    I don't think we are having negative responses about what you said. More incredulous that one exists!