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  1. This is an interesting discussion.. I was wondering it myself. Two years ago I was in a program that was taking me no where (I was really unhappy with it), so I applied for a BScN program in Ontario....
  2. What? I can't put my mom in a nursing home!

    Hi Chuchie, I know this is a really hard thing for you to go through. For the last year 1-2 years I helped my mom care for her great Aunt (She was the sole support system). She found it very...
  3. Living off student loans smart idea or not?

    I'm currently in Nursing School and am mostly working off loans. After my first year I was able to work as PSW which helped to pay back some of the money I owed before incurring more. It is tough to...
  4. Cystic Fibrosis - a Nursing Specialty?

    Is there anyone who is a nurse specializing in Cystic Fibrosis? If so how did you manage it (ie. are there specialized courses, or did you work on a CF unit, etc.) CF has affected my family greatly...
  5. Giving report in LTC

    Night Owl, I am still a student, but I can at least tell you what I saw when I was in hospital. We all did sit in the report room, but each nurse from the shift before us spoke into a tape recorder...
  6. Anyone have dogs and work 12hr shifts?

    I'm glad to see that you're so concerned about your dogs, but since it's a night shift and they'd be sleeping most of the time I think they would be fine at home by themselves. I don't think them...