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  1. Working with patient families

    I totally understand your frustrations. Absentee families are the worst. They think they know everything. Families in general are usually oblivious to what is actually going on. I once told the son...
  2. PCA pump error

    We just had an educational workshop on PCA's. We have never used them in our hospital before and we are the only unit using them at this time. We are required to do an Independant double check, where...
  3. I need your help

    Neither can we, but that's what our NA's have been officially told by our DON, therefore, they have to act on it and quickly. Doubtful they will have anymore meetings without the union present. They...
  4. I need your help

    But then again, today we found out that some nurses aides and (possibly LPN's) may lose thier positions....but only after they train the next group of Phillipine "RN's" who finish the LPN course. I...
  5. What can a LPN with a Bachelors do?

    I know a number of facilities that have LPN nurse managers. (it's not the letters behind the name but the experience!) The business degree would definately be an asset there. Also private clinics, and...
  6. briefs or diapers

    I'm sorry but your post is rather disconcerting. 1. We were taught NEVER call them diapers even if the patient does. Briefs, britches, depends, underwear, anything but diapers. By doing so, we can...
  7. Nasty Doctor

    1. Ask him where he learned to read because MD does not spell GOD. 2. Every nurse should file a formal abuse complaint. 3. Send a letter or a copy of the abuse complaint to his licensing...
  8. THANK YOU! I have worked full time since the day I graduated, some of that was for a private facility but I was told this facility still considers that as "years of experience." I have a meeting with...
  9. Help! I have been and LPN for 6 years. I just accepted a new position with a new employer which I would be under AUPE. The interviewer was the unit manager (RN) who did not know exactly what rate of...
  10. Skin cancer risks question,..I am confused

    I stand corrected, but still don't think that scar tissue is the answer to this
  11. Skin cancer risks question,..I am confused

    I used to work for a surgeon who specialized in Skin cancers. In prioritizing a referal, seborrheic keratoses would take priority over any of those others, so that's what I would have said. Although...
  12. I currently work in a large clinic/outpt facility where all the local doctors have thier clinics. Out of respect, they are always refered to as Doctor when being addressed for any professional reason...
  13. I need your help

    Have you tried applying directly to hospitals and facilities in Alberta? Alberta is going through a lot of changes with their regions. go to www.albertahealthservices.ca for information and hospital...
  14. "Common sense.....so rare it's a *******
  15. I took that very course and it's wonderful. There was a gal in my practicums that was also from BC. She had to come to Edmonton to do LTC and Acute Care practicals, (because they are instructor led)...