calling nursing instructors: they are starting a new hand held paperless medication scanner at a hospital that i teach in. any suggestions on how you have safely incorporated this into the medication...
you have an awesome background!! I worked a long time in ob before becoming an educator and i have a great interest in LNC. do you have any resources that may be helpful in developing a policy for...
Question for clinical faculty: do any of your nursing schools have a policy regarding student safety ie: safety on the clinical unit from patients who have already demonstrated violence towards...
valene replied to IndyGypsyNurse's topic in Ob/Gyn
Deb, Good luck on your exam. It is indeed something to be proud of, to hold a specialty certification in your specialty area. Your credibility and confidence will be affected greatly.
I have been reading more articles about women who elect to have cesarean sections even when they are not medically or obstetrically necessary. I would love to hear from my OB peers as to their...
inquiring as to whether you have a formal pharmacology course in your diploma program. if so, how is it formatted and how many lecture hours does it entail? where does it fall in the program? thank...
inquiring as to whether you have a formal pharmacology course in your diploma program. if so, how is it formatted and how many lecture hours does it entail? where does it fall in the program? thank...
what do you do in your hospital? how often do you document fetal heart rates during the second stage of labor? do you do them as frequently when the patient is 10 cm and is not pushing because she...
amazing, i have been rn for 16 yrs, 14 in Ob and am certified in inpt ob. i also want to pursue education both at a school of nursing and perinatal ed in my department. I think you should pursue...
are you talking about hypoglycemia with pitocin and d5lr? we have maxed out at 54 mu/min on a patient with only cramping for 6 hours, shut the pit off, and start over again the next day. 54 mu/min...