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All Content by FLAtoNYC

  1. Hey guys! Less than 24 hours! What do you thing we should bring to orientation tommorrow?
  2. i figured out my own bill as well from the website. i hope that i was close to correct! i got locked out of a pace class as well. and i still have two rash looking things on my forearms from the ppds and i got clearance on 7/20! i am glad we final...
  3. Orientation, does everyone get one?

    our school has 4 days of orientation scheduled. tue- fri from 8am to 4pm. this has not yet been officially announced, the letters just got mailed out and it starts the 22nd. so dont worry, you will prob. find out soon. call and ask them if you re...
  4. i hope you can see this, these are the womens shirts
  5. oh and by the way, all the schools i applied to are in the nyc area so keep you chin up. i applied at Phillips beth Israel SON (my future alma mater yeah!) Long Island College HOspital Dorothea Hopfer Cochran Go for the private schools, they seem ...
  6. i went to college in 1997 after h.s. i was a big giant mess, my family was having major problems and i was severely depressed. i ended up my first semester with a 0.0 gpa. im not even kidding. i passed a few classes after that but my cum. gpa was...
  7. Normal to be nervous going into nursing school?

    i feel you guys.... i am 22 days away from starting and i already can't sleep like its the night before my first day of high school. i feel like i am completely in the dark and have no idea what to expect even though i have been preparing for this ...
  8. i dont know this for a fact but i looked at some pics on myspace to see the uniforms and a girl from last year had pics up of everyones duty shoes together and they were all plain white sneakers. i think that that is pretty standard for nursing scho...
  9. they told me about my scholarship while i was in the office. its not much, but it helps a little. it really is all about last minute info... i have no idea how i am going to come up with the remainder of the tuition in 3 weeks.... AHHHHHH! my fafs...
  10. saw the book info but havent really done anything about it.... i was in financial aid last week and they have the scholarship info available. they sent letters out so you should get one soon but for the amount you can proabably just ask. they told ...
  11. Mario, I was at school doing some paperwork and I asked them a few questions regarding the pace electives. THought you might be interested to know that the pace bridge program (Rn to BSN) has only a very few number of classes that can be taken prio...
  12. helen, are you taking any electives? im thinking i can probably only afford one at pace plus the spanish. lindsey
  13. Nice to meet you!!! And its sooooo much hotter here cause it just radiates from the pavement. Gross. Oh, and I LOVE the womens dress. I know its corny but I am so excited about getting them. What program did you pick? I am just going traditional...
  14. pain and sore muscles from studying!!!

    This is kind of random, but spring semester I was up till 2-3-4am every night studying and kept my contacts in.... I ended up with abraisions on my corneas from my eyes being too dry from staring at books and the computer and my contacts scratched m...
  15. Random Question... I had my first of 4 physical exams for school today and they gave us the option of getting the menningitis vaccine at the hospital. I was wondering if it is possible that it would be covered under my private insurance to be cheape...
  16. Congrats! Officially! See you guys all at uniform fittings!
  17. CLASS OF 2008, check in!

    name: lindsey school:phillips beth israel school of nursing program:adn what area of interest at this time: peds biggest fear: the or. ive been trying to watch surgerys on tv but that doesnt help with what they say the smells are like. ...
  18. Good luck Barb! And congrats everyone!
  19. Mario.... I havent gotten any paperwork yet and I have a question for you.... Do you have the term end date or finals date anywhere for December? THX...
  20. They actually did ask me if I would be working and how often while in school... I was really nervous to answer because I have to bartend at least 2-3x a week to pay for school (at my recent school I had 2 jobs and went to school full time... ughhh......
  21. YEAH!!!!!! Interview is really straight forward... Read your essay over cause they will ask those same questions. They also asked some questions about what you think the role of a nurse is to make sure that you have some idea of what you are getting...
  22. about to have a nervous breakdown :(

    I would definitely recommend getting anatomy and physiology for dummies from the book store because that is what really saved me in APII. Its so hard to memorize the parts of all the systems without completely understanding what is happening within ...
  23. NYAussie... Thanks so much for the advice... You're the best!... Barb... My interview is on the 16th as well... @ 9 AM... Maybe I'll see you there:)... Good luck to you as well!
  24. I have taken a ton of gen eds online... chemistry (lab was in school), human development, religion, sociology, eng. comp II... I swear by them because I have two jobs and really need to study whenever I find the time, like 2 AM... Some random advice ...
  25. thanks NY aussie! I applied to both programs because all I have left is nutrition and pharm and they said that you could still be in the Atop with a good plan to complete remaining courses. Either way, I'll just take being admitted at all!!! How w...