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All Content by cubsfan

  1. Pediatric Nursing - STress and Burnout (1)

    I don't participate in any of these activities. I like spontaniety too much. I've tried different health clubs and hobbies, but quickly get bored with all of them. I like variety. The closest I get to meditation is when I get on my floatie in my pool...
  2. Pediatric Nursing - STress and Burnout (1)

    When something is bothering me and I can't quite figure out what it is, or maybe I know what it is and I can't do anything about it I will do what I call "nesting". Most other people think of it as spring cleaning or organizing. I'll clean out closet...
  3. Pediatric Nursing - STress and Burnout (1)

    When it comes to work related stress I usually rely on my work friends for support. One of the most difficult things is to try to share the death of a preemie with someone that knows nothing about medicine, which in my case is my entire family and no...
  4. Pediatric Nursing - STress and Burnout (1)

    I am very late in getting active and I apologize. Nurselittlek asked if we would consider going to a salaried pay structure. I would have to see a proposal before I would answer that. I can say that I am salaried now, but I do not work at the bedside...
  5. Pediatric Nursing - STress and Burnout (1)

    I empathize with Calzonan about the torture of being a nursing student. Although what you describe sounds much worse than what I experienced 20+ years ago. It seems that the nursing shortage has finally made it next to impossible to solve our problem...
  6. Pediatric Nursing - STress and Burnout (1)

    I definitely like the idea of recognition for continuing education. I think nurses, historically rest on their past education and many are reluctant to advance their practice. This would serve a dual purpose. The nurses would be getting the recogniti...
  7. Pediatric Nursing - STress and Burnout (1)

    Hello group, First a little about myself. I have been a NICU nurse for 20 years, the last 9 in Az. I left the bedside 5 years ago to do developmental care in the nursery. I like to say that now I get to do the fun part of what I did before, with less...
  8. Pain is Subjective???

    How dare anyone minimize anyone's expression of pain! Whether that child truly had physiologic or psycholgic pain he was expressing pain and it needed to be addressed. Your concern should be commended. He may have been afraid or been looking for atte...