GeminiTwinRN BSN


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About GeminiTwinRN

GeminiTwinRN has 18 years experience as a BSN and specializes in ICU/PCU/Infusion.

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  1. Outpatient Infusion is a great gig. Love my job.
  2. GeminiTwinRN

    MRSA and C-Diff

    All patients being transferred out of a Unit bed (CCU, ICU, SICU, etc) are swabbed prior to leaving with an MRSA nasal
  3. GeminiTwinRN

    Do you take any stimulants?

    LMAO! I get up at 0415 every morning that I have to work, and go to bed between 10:30 and 11 at night. I don't even get OFF work until usually 8 at night.. how are we supposed to be in bed already?...
  4. Sort of. I had been pulled the day before to a unit that is a paper-chart unit (I work on a computerized charting unit normally) and had the 5th patient. I had never been pulled EVER, wasn't even at...
  5. GeminiTwinRN

    Needle stick injury in Health Care

    You were taught to flush PICC lines with a needle? I find that had to believe. I'm sorry you were stuck. I seriously doubt you are in any danger of contracting anything from your pt though. Your...
  6. GeminiTwinRN

    NGT and air?

    I guess you're really asking 2 questions, if I'm reading this right. Air in an NGT isn't a problem because it's just like swallowing air. The person might have a bit of bloating if it was a terrible...
  7. GeminiTwinRN

    Is electronic charting done at your job?

    yes, electronic charting is done at my job. the physician's are expected to enter their orders, but if we call an md for orders, chances are it will be a whole lot faster if we just input the orders...
  8. GeminiTwinRN

    Ugh!!!! Getting the dreaded phone call!

    Prayers being said! I hope he makes a quick and full recovery.
  9. GeminiTwinRN

    Golytely for constipation

    Good lord. Something sounds very wrong here! Not only is that pt at risk for electrolyte imbalance, but if her stool was entirely liquid, that is usually the time to stop giving the golytely! Was...
  10. GeminiTwinRN

    Did I do the right thing?

    Did she tell the other aide that the pt was dirty and needed to be cleaned up before she left? IMO, if she did, then she acted appropriately. Of course she could have done the BEST thing for the pt,...
  11. GeminiTwinRN

    striking nurses

    I'm so sorry for your experience. My heart goes out to you. I understand your need to blame someone/some circumstances.. but I'd instead encourage you even these many years later to obtain some...
  12. GeminiTwinRN

    who should be punished

    Going exactly by your scenario, it sounds as though Nurse B did all she was asked to do. I don't really see where she is involved at all. That's sort of like asking if Nurse A asks Nurse B to check...
  13. GeminiTwinRN

    I think I said yes and should have said no

    If the **** hits the fan, I'd plead ignorance and leave it at that. I agree, you probably should have said no, but under the circumstances, it really seemed an inocuous thing to do, I'm sure. I...
  14. GeminiTwinRN

    Missed orders!

    We have CPOE (comp. physician order entry) and I love it. Not only can the physician enter orders, but if need be we can place verbal orders on the computer much the same as the old way of writing...
  15. GeminiTwinRN

    Thats It!! Im Calling The State!!

    wow. i'm proud of you for standing up to do the right thing. i probably wouldn't have been able to stick it out as long as you have after seeing little to no response from the previous complaints...