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All Content by oualie20

  1. Safe Staffing, long but pls read

    I went to a Nursing Law seminar on last Monday, even though we went over this in school, it's always good to refresh your memory and be updated on anything new that is happening. I work in a large hospital on a post surgical/ trauma 36 bed unit. A lo...
  2. Safe Staffing, long but pls read

    Thanks to both of you, that was great advice which I will be implementing at the next staff meeting.
  3. Any one starting Simmons this Fall?

    Hey LIZH18: In my opinion not having that experience was a minus for me. I was told by one of the hospital recruiters...won't name the name...that I didn't have that experience and sadly persons w/ that experience get to the top of the pile. I grad...
  4. Any one starting Simmons this Fall?

    I graduated from Simmons last year. I too did the Dix Scholars 2 year program. I heard that the school has made lots of changes so what I'm telling you might be outdated. 1st off I loved my experience at Simmons, I found the atmosphere very nuturing...
  5. The Best Place You've Been

    I too am thinking about R.L.Schneider, Love St. Thomas, people are so nice and friendly. I emailed a nurse recruit for travel agency but I don't have enough experience - I'll keep trying however. good luck !
  6. New Grad RN.... In need of serious help!!

    Hi new grads: I totally understand how you guys feel. I went through the same thing a couple of months ago...check out previous posts in this forum...hang in there, you will find a job. There is a shortage of nurses but there's also a shortage of ex...
  7. new nurses who are recently off orientation...

    I agree RNLisa...
  8. do feel supported on your floor. i've been noticing that now that I'm off orientation, two weeks, I don't have much support from the floor nurses. today i had a situation where my pt was having chest pain, HR in the 140's-150's...the charge nurse d...
  9. New Grad RN.... In need of serious help!!

    Dominicana: Lena, myself and a couple of others were having the same issue you're having now. Be proactive, call the recruiters, give them your story. Also try hospitals outside of Boston, and don't limit your search to only hospitals. good luck, yo...
  10. new nurses who are recently off orientation...

    thanks for the advice it's all very useful. my preceptor was in the nurse;s pod as this was happening and did or said nothing to help me or the situation. so i certainly won't ask her anything. i just don't understand why the experienced nurses won...
  11. stethoscopes?

    I agree with Nicole RN, Littman Master II, by far the best ! Don't forget to wipe it down after every use... oh and put your name all over that baby
  12. MA Nursing Schools / Direct Entry NP

    I don't know about UMASS W but Northeastern has a great program and is highly revered in the profession as are the first two you've decided against. Good luck to you !
  13. Name hospital and salary--everywhere

    :Melody: Boston Mass New grad 2 months exp 1 st job Start Sal 26.00/ hr excluding diffs Major hospital 2 nd job start Sal 29.00 / hr per diem excluding diffs community hospital. yep two jobs.:imbar ..student loans for two undergrad degrees, credit ...
  14. I just wrote a long reply to your question and with one wrong button push it got deleted:chuckle anyhoo a smiliar thing happened to me. I'm still on orientation but when I got called into the office that night I applied for another job. I got the ...
  15. New Addition to MGH?

    Hey Lena RN ! How's the job ? I worked overnight last night and woke up around 12 noon because I dreamt that I didn't give report and needed to go back to work to report off so I woke up in a panic. :trout: anyhoo, I haven't heard about MGH expan...
  16. Hi: i don't know too much about it personally. i had a couple of classmates who did clinicals there and they loved it. It's part of the Caritas Christi group who I think is about to go under a big change in ownership (I think I heard that somewhere...
  17. .. First Night Floating... First Med Error

    Dempather: I am in no way an experienced nurse but I can say it's better to be safe than sorry. If you have to stay an extra couple of minutes then so be it. Amongst your peers I think it'll look better if you stay to make sure things are done corr...
  18. Hi all: I start my new job on Monday, I'd like to have an idea as to what to expect during the orientation week. I was wondering what your experiences were...did you guys had to take a med test, did you have classes etc.
  19. New Grads...tell me about your new job experience

    Hey ladies: I m so glad you two exist and we're going through this together. Today as I mentioned was my first day on the floor. It was o.k. In the morning, I wanted to run the other way to the stairs and out of the bldg. Right now, I have no ide...
  20. New Grads...tell me about your new job experience

    Hi Lena: You are always so helpful ! I got through the hospital/nursing orientation...whew...now on to the floor I go. I'll be starting tomorrow on the floor, I'm excited but of course nervous all at the same time. How are things going with you ? ...
  21. Job prospects for a new grad in Boston?!

    I certainly have to chime in on this one From personal experience, I would suggest if you can work as a PCA do it...it may put you on the hire list. I'd also suggest that while in school give some thought to where you'd like to work and perhaps at...
  22. I'm Back

    Hey Guys not sure if anyone read my last post but I had given up on nursing because it is so difficult for me to find a job here in Boston. My savings account has also lost some serious weight, so I was in a bind. I received a couple of PM from me...
  23. I'm Back

    Hey Lena RN: I'm back... I applied everywhere and hadn't heard back at all. I applied to the -Lahey Clinic 45 minutes away from my house -and got called for an interview twice but I was turned down both times. The first time, the NM had an emergenc...
  24. boston medical center new grad program

    Hillflower: When I was in school, I didn't have the time or energy to work as a CNA, I would advise you to perhaps see if you can get something per diem meaning you set your own hours. I would also suggest that if you are in your senior year start a...
  25. Yay! I finally found a job!

    Hey Lena: I just logged in to see how things worked out for you. Congratulations !!!!!!!!!!!!! I still haven't found a job and I'm giving up on the nursing thing, it seems like it's not for me. I have bills, bills and more bills and cannot stand to...