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About japaho41

japaho41 specializes in MICU & SICU.

University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill CRNA

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  1. NMBAs with LMAs

    I am not sure I agree that this is the best practice and I feel that if you need to use relaxants you should just go ahead and place an
  2. Airways can be placed but the depth of the anesthesia needs to adequate for the patient to tolerate a nasal or oral airway being placed. Not sure about plans for the facility to tell patient to...
  3. You are exactly right, I guess you better go quickily
  4. With a growing (meaning heavier) patient population which then leads to more patients with OSA. It is always a concern of mine once the patient is in the PACU that they will obstruct their airway or...
  5. I was entertained as well by the open bottle of sevo being used as an airfreshener. I think the best solution to the bathroom dilema is to always go before the case, stay mildly on the dry side...
  6. There are quite a few online BSN programs and perhaps there are those that are not looked as very reputable by program directors. I think the best thing to do is to look at the admission criteria for...
  7. I need some CRNA school advice

    I will be honest your GPA is well below a competitive level. You have to consider when most schools set the benchmark at 3.0 I would guess that there would be ample candidates that by far exceed the...
  8. I think what you mean is that they have an APRN (Advanced Practice Registered Nurse). Some states require all advance practice nurses to also have the APRN as well even if they are a CRNA, NP or...
  9. CRNA vs AA

  10. CRNA vs AA

    I think you sort of have a misconception of what being watched is all about or you missed my point of what patient care experience really means. So you are saying the your biology degree or...
  11. CRNA vs AA

    Good for you, I know that there is an international Nurse anesthesia society that is working credentialing programs so that there grads can work in othere countries. Basically what it comes down to...
  12. ECU's program is full time, no part time option. I think that UNC-Charlotte has a part-time option. I think that if I were you I would go full-time. If it is money that you are worried about just...
  13. CRNA vs AA

    I don't think that if the AA route was even shorter by 10yrs that I would advise anyone to go that route. Like a previous post stated why would want to limit yourself to just a hand of states and...
  14. Am I the only one??

    I think that everyone has those days, weeks or months when you say what the hell was I thinking when I decided this was going to be my career path. No matter how many people tell you that it's going...
  15. I agree with the above posters that this is a nurse anesthesia site. It sounds like you need to do some more research into what you really want to do. Yes you are in high school still and you are...