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About Bjo

I am a Registered Nurse certified by the ANCC in Mental Health and Psychiatric nursing

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  1. Issues with Psy Nursing

    I've been offended on this site, too. When that happens, I just log off for a while until I feel like I'm ready to come back. You have to realize that a lot of people can look at others and judge...
  2. Psychiatric RN Certification?

    You can check out the requirements at I'm actually due to be recertified this year so I need to be looking into it myself. Good
  3. re: something to consider...

    Your story was so touching! As for the guy at work, if you lose his friendship at least you can be sure you made a difference in his life. You've had to endure so much pain in your life and to turn...
  4. re: something to consider...

    Very well said. Thank you for your post. You are absolutely correct in all that you said. I don't think the problems and issues being listed are only seen in psychiatric nurses, but in all nurses. I...
  5. State hospital.

    Our State hospital takes anyone. We have court committed, voluntary, and emergency admits. We also have forensic patients who have been there for many years. After the patients are sent on an...
  6. Moving to columbus, need advice!!!!

    I was just wondering what was the worst about OSU? I think the nurses there are unionized, aren't they? Or maybe they are just working for the state. I always thought that would be a good place to...
  7. Safety Policies

    I stand corrected. I didn't mean that ALL who strongly oppose should be suspect. I should have said that SOME may be more likely to have contraband. You're right that many will have other issues...
  8. Safety Policies

    Just a couple of suggestions. We have the tank lids on the commodes bolted down so we don't have to check inside of them. Secondly, we don't search visitors but they aren't allowed to bring purses or...
  9. You can try this link. It is for Genesis Hospital in Zanesville. That may be somewhat farther than you want to drive but they have twelve hour shifts and the pay is rather alluring!...
  10. 1948 movie The Snake Pit

    I've never seen the movie. However, a couple of things off the top of my head is the reduction of people being placed in restraints and moving mentally ill patients out into the community rather than...
  11. reducing aggression in psychotic patients

    That's hard to say given the individuality of each case. If the person is acutely psychotic, you may not want to encourage them to start beating up on a punching bag. They might not be able to back...
  12. tips for adolescent psych, plz??

    Teens can be tough to work with. Lots of times they come across as being angry when they really have a lot of emotional pain that they don't know how to deal with. Just be patient with them and don't...
  13. What do nursing unions do?

    Are you, by chance, in
  14. What do nursing unions do?

    What state are you
  15. Residential Psych Treatment - Med Administration

    You may want to check about a waiver. I know there is such a thing when there is a survey coming up and you have extreme circumstances that can effect the outcome. Look on the JCAHO website for some...