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All Content by DRenfro

  1. You'll never make it in California

    You are a Registered Nurse definitely you would make it in California. Registered Nurses in California make so much money you wouldnt believe it. Every RN that I worked with at Kaweah Delta District Hospital in Visalia made at least working night s...
  2. Indiana towns and cities

    Again I am requesting any information regarding good cities and or townships to live in Indianapolis? Please tell me if anyone knows where subacute units are located, what hospitals that anyone knows of with these type of units (trache and ventilato...
  3. Indiana towns and cities

    Thanks to all your responses especially Nurse RoRo for letting me know of any subacutes. If anyone knows of any other subacutes which are trache, ventilator , gastronomy fed patients units continue to let me know. We still havent moved from Califo...
  4. Does Washington state recgonize California LVN's?

    Just to let you know that the California and New York LVN Nclex testing is harder than any of the other states and if you have either of those licenses you can pretty much transfer anywhere. I am an LVN in California and just received my LPN for In...
  5. Evansville nursing salaries

    I am a Californian and we plan to move to Indiana when we sell our home. I am an LVN here in Califonria and currently make a little more than 21 dollars per hour with my night differential with 5 years experience in trache and ventilator unit. Can a...