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  1. No More LPN programs

    We have the same issue in NE Ohio - there were only a handful of LPN programs in the area a dozen years ago; now private CC LPN courses are being offered all over the place. Two within 7 miles from my...
  2. G-tube question, anyone?

    I worked in Peds LTC where most residents had mickeys. Frequently, you'd withdraw the water and it would be cloudy, but that was typically on mickeys that had been in place for the maximum 6 months. 4...
  3. Frustrated

    I'm also in NE Ohio - I've been an LPN for 10 years, and job opportunities here have really declined for us in the past 5 years. When I heard the hospital I used to work at tossed 70 LPNs out the...
  4. Get to Work On Time.

    Same problem at my facility. It annoys me when one of the RNs on my shift shows up late for every shift, as it delays my report. I never ask the dayshifters to give me report ahead of the late RN, as...
  5. Banning Crocs?

    Hmm... It's rather difficult to give SQ insulin or heparin/lovenox without a needle. Same goes for IM injections. Personally, I think vented Crocs ARE an infection control issue for that
  6. Nuva Ring questions

    LOL! The same happened to my BF and I! Had us doubled over with laughter for a good 5 minutes. I used NuvaRing for about a year, and the only problem I had was ~ TMI alert! ~ a little more...
  7. Wrong place, but car wreck please help

    Nothing to add to the spot-on advice already given. My thoughts are with you. It's never easy to lose a friend so young, especially in such a sudden and tragic way. One way to work through it is to...
  8. gift for new nurse?

    Bandage scissors. I've got a pair, and attatched a mini MagLite to one of the finger holes with the lanyard supplied with the flashlight. A nice duo that really doesn't seem to walk away from me,...
  9. Should Seasonal Flu Shots Be Mandatory?

    I always get one, without fail, but think without a doubt it should be the indivdual choice of the HCW. Reminds me of the whole "lets vaccinate all medical workers against smallpox" hooey the CDC...
  10. Scrubs Musical- Everything comes down to Poo!

    Oh thank goodness someone posted this to YouTube already! I was doubled over watching it on TV earlier!
  11. Lpn or Rn in Ohio

    LPN in NE Ohio here. I'd go for an LPN, if nothing else, it will give you an edge to get into a bridge program to obtain your RN moreso than a high school grad hoping to meet and marry Dr McDreamy on...
  12. Is it appropriate to check on pts?

    HIPAA. If I answer the phone, and am told that you are so-and-so from X LTC, I cannot verify that you are who you state you are. Once my patient transfers back to you, chart copies will be sent back...
  13. Yeah, I'd instantly be calling off rich too. Probably keep the license current, just in case (it's only what? 24 hours of CEUs, and $70 every other year?) Beleive me, I wouldn't get bored without a...
  14. Pt Threats and Name Badges (again)

    Count me among those who would prefer to be alive without my last name on my badge, than professional with it and risk being stalked/raped/etc. My professionalism shows not on a square of plastic on...
  15. LPNs who are jealous or resentful of RNs??

    I'll only agree with your 'friend' in that my particular LPN program was 11 months, 8am-3:30pm, M-F (40 hours a week), with a week and a half off for the holidays; another week for spring break. You...