
newohiorn BSN, RN, EMT-P

Acute care, Community Med, SANE, ASC

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About newohiorn

newohiorn has 8 years experience as a BSN, RN, EMT-P and specializes in Acute care, Community Med, SANE, ASC.

I have worked in Med-Surg, Neuro ICU, per diem float, Community Medicine, Ambulatory Surgery Center and as a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner.

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  1. 1. A good CNA is a lifesaver for the nurse and sometimes the patient. 2. Say thank you to the co-workers who are helping you and/or just doing their job well--lab, phlebotomy, dietary, techs,...
  2. Hygiene After Hospital Shift

    I'm pretty lazy about this but I see from skimming a few of the above posts that I'm not alone in my post-work hygiene habits. I do not change shoes or scrubs when I come home and can even be found...
  3. best way for a nurse to manage cuts on her fingers?

    As others said, look into Vetbond. Very similar to Dermabond and about half the price. This was a lifesaver for me last winter when my hands were very badly cracked. I was able to use it many times...
  4. Talky Nurse

    If talkativeness wears you out or is draining, you may very well be an introvert. I am in introvert and too much chit chat and general noise makes me crazy. I self isolate (stole that term from one...
  5. Per Diem availability question

    I'm per diem float at my hospital and I am required to work a minimum of 24 hours a month. At the beginning of the month I give them days and shifts that I want to work and they put me on their...
  6. Nursing school anxiety - need advice!

    Don't panic. None of us retained every bit of information from nursing school. Cram, take those tests and pass, retain what you can. The truth is most of us really learn how to be a nurse on the...
  7. Nurses Who Don't Want to be Nurses

    It certainly sounds like you are judging. Exactly what would you "confront" such a nurse about? How is it your business to know why someone chose to be a nurse? Do you ask your doctor the same...
  8. Nauseous vs Nauseated (another grammar lesson)

    Regarding lay and lie: I finally learned this one with the following tidbit. Lay means to put or place. Lie means to rest or recline. In general (I think), living things like people and animals...
  9. Nauseous vs Nauseated (another grammar lesson)

    I love perseverate! To me it sounds just like what it is. :-) My pet peeves: Advice vs. advise. People often come on AN asking for advise when they mean advice. Also loose vs. lose. A person...
  10. Report! Get to it. I float, so every four hours I'm going to another unit. I find the night shift staff coming in at 7p to be worst about this. I recognize that they are just starting their shift...
  11. Goodbye...

    I enjoyed your posts, but I understand. I have disappeared from AN for months and possibly years at a time. Every now and then I would come to post something knowing it was the only place people...
  12. How important is your 'look' as a nurse

    To answer the original question, looks, of course, do matter. I have an acquaintance who had a difficult time getting hired which may or may not have been due to the fact that he had a lot of...
  13. Would you like your job more if you were paid more?

    More money makes it more tolerable for me. I was working more or less at the bottom of the pay scale at my hospital since I'd only been a nurse 2.5 years when I decided to bump myself to the top of...
  14. 4.0 in nursing school?

    Definitely doable. I graduated with a 4.0 while working full-time. I did not, however, get 100 on every test nor would I ever spend the time necessary to do so. In my opinion life is far too short...
  15. I worked full time and went to school full time. It was very difficult with the first few quarters being the most difficult. I really did nothing else for myself. I didn't cook for myself, didn't...