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All Content by ffjn

  1. Failed the HESI exam again!!!

    getting prepared to take 4th hesi this monday. did saunders cd read saunders book, i also did med surg on the hesi cd. plan on not doing any studying on sunday.
  2. Failed the HESI exam again!!!

    i failed the hesi 3 times and have one more time. i did the saunders cd, read and did the hesi cd, i am re doing the saunders cd and going thru the saunders book again. i thought about doing kaplen but will stick with saunders. i take the 4th 13 j...
  3. Your school and the HESI exit exam

    has any of you used the MOrrison media Flash cards for help in passing the Hesi. i am thinking about ording them, i took the Hesi and failed. i have to retake it in 4 weeks. i am having trouble with the critical thinking stuff. what do yall rec. i ne...