

A little of this, a little of that....

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About mcdonaldgirl

mcdonaldgirl specializes in A little of this, a little of that.....

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  1. Brainless People!

    I know that in Florida, you can anonymously call in about someones driving.......but this is a whole different subject. Too
  2. Heparin in an emergency-to draw PTT or not?

    There should be a Protocol for a PTT to be drwn before any Heparin. What about people who are on long term ASA therapy?
  3. resident in pain, what to do?

    It doesn't sound like the daughter is thinking about her mothers'best interests. Sounds like something else is going on there.....
  4. Overwhelmed LVN May Give Up Nursing

    perhaps you should do home health or (heaven forbid!) ltc. to be honest, ltc may get a bum rap, but you see the patients over such a long period, and the turn over is waaay less than hospital care....
  5. What makes you love hospice?

    why do i love hospice? it is the caring for others during their last days/weeks and knowing i made a difference. oh, yeah; sometimes families are hit hard, but i have the satisfaction of knowing i...
  6. NCLEX no math questions????

    imagine having to do all the questions, pencil and paper, and waiting 6 weeks for results. not fun!
  7. Being an LPN is not even anything important.

    i second the other posters.....don't bother calling this 'friend' back. why? as for 'direct' patient care, i have done more of this than she is seeing as a secretary in icu. as that secretary, she...
  8. Some musings about reading posts here...

    one should be a bit more careful of their own spelling before pointing fingers, eh?
  9. How Does Lvn Differ From Lpn

    Same thing, but CA and TX use different terms.
  10. Calculators.

    My class didn't use them. As my instructor said, "Back when I trained with Flo, we didn't have 'em; and in an emergency, you think you're gonna have time to use it?"
  11. are there opportunities for LPNs/LVNs outside of LTCs?

    i have done ltc for quite a while, and to be honest, i very rarely had to give an enema. rectal dis-impacting.....yes. not that bad, when you consider the alternative. [color=#708090]...
  12. CNA prior to RN School?

    in my neck of the woods, it is now required that one becomes a cna before you start clinicals/nursing school.
  13. new l.p.n. stressed out

    it can be done, having floated for many years. i have helped aides get up residents and worked "the floor:" of course, i had several years under my belt, also. i consder ltc as a very rewarding...
  14. Just a Little Poem

    LOL from "the Queen of the PRN's".....
  15. Is Nursing a Profession?

    of course! illinois rn's have registered professional nurse on their license.....