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About Kristej

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  1. willing to relocate

  2. willing to relocate

    and what area would that be? We are hiring at our
  3. Cardiac Stress Testing

    I been starting with a baseline EKG, then starting my exercise testing and when all injections are in, I'm switching to Recovery phase and monitoring for 4 minutes. Don't know if this is too much or...
  4. Pre - hydration

    Having the same problem and it is really screwing up our schedule. A common CTA is now being hydrated and taking up space and time we just don't have. I have an issue with techs starting the IV...
  5. Cardiac Stress Testing

    I'm just starting to use Lexiscan, but I'm having a hard time with my documentation process. I have an exercise data sheet with the 1 min increments, but Lexiscan is so fast, I feel so out of time...
  6. rad-angio nursing 1970-2006

    I've done cath lab since 1999. I don't know all the answers, but am willing to try to help you. Just let me know what you need and if I don't know the answer, I'll find more info for you. I've...
  7. Awesome, love the ability to share thoughts and ideas with other managers, thanks for the opportuntity. I am new to nurse management, I have been an RN for 11 years from floor nurse to speciality...
  8. nurses undertaking angiograms

    Ann, I must be totally lost as to what you are looking for.... I have worked cath lab and we do heart caths and I work radiology where we do the 64 slice CT Angiography of the heart, but have never...
  9. nurses undertaking angiograms

    Hi! Are you talking about the CT angiography of the heart exams? We are doing those in our hospital. Ican share some info on that with you if that is what you are looking for. We are new to it...
  10. Cath Lab Case Scheduling

    I am looking for some advice on scheduling. I work in a cath lab with 2 labs and an EP lab. We normally do an average of 15 caths per day. We have been having problems with working 14+ hours per...